Page 59 - MNU PM502 Ph. Micreo practical
P. 59
Pharm D- Clinical Pharmacy Program Third Level Pharmaceutical Microbiology& Antimicrobials (PM 502)
Disinfectant tests
4- Practical tests
• The practical tests under real-life conditions are performed after measuring
the time-concentration relationship of the disinfectant in a quantitative
suspension test.
• The objective is to verify whether the proposed use dilution is still adequate
in the conditions under which it would be used.
Examples: -surface disinfection tests
-filter paper test
Filter Paper Test
(Disc-Diffusion Method)
• The disk-diffusion method involves applying different chemicals to
separate, sterile filter paper discs.
• The discs are then placed on an agar plate that has been inoculated with the
targeted bacterium and the chemicals diffuse out of the disks into the agar.
• As the “lawn” of bacteria grows, zones of inhibition of microbial growth
are observed as clear areas around the disks.
• larger zones typically correlate to increased inhibition effectiveness of the
chemical agent.
1. Sterile filter paper discs
2. Test disinfectants
3. Standardized test organisms