Page 79 - MNU PM502 Ph. Micreo practical
P. 79
Pharm D- Clinical Pharmacy Program Third Level Pharmaceutical Microbiology& Antimicrobials (PM 502)
Determination of MIC by broth dilution method
MIC (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration): The lowest conc. of the antimicrobial
agent required to inhibit the growth of Microorganism.
Unit of MIC: μg/ml
MBC: Minimum Bactericidal Concentration.
The lowest conc. of the antimicrobial agent required to kill microorganism.
Clinically, MIC is not only used to determine the amount of antibiotic that the
patient will receive but also the type of antibiotic used. This will lower the
opportunity for microbial resistance to specific antimicrobial agents.
Practical mission:
You are provided with certain antimicrobial agent (4 ml in volume) and required
to determine its MIC by broth dilution method.
1) 2 tubes of sterile nutrient broth.
2) 5 ml pipette.
3) 1 ml pipette.
4) 6 empty sterile test tubes.
5) Tube of antibiotic (Marked A).
6) Wassermann tube containing the culture.
7) Glass Pencil.