Page 48 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 48

Unraveling the Influence of Relationships

                           on Our Weight Loss Journey:

                         L E T ’ S B EG I N WI TH SEL F

                                                   By Stephanie Lee

           When it comes to losing weight, the   What if, instead, we build ourselves   self-acceptance, and a growth mindset.
       real game-changer isn’t found on the   up? Every time we start dwelling on past   Weight loss becomes a side benefit to the
       treadmill or in a diet plan but begins   mistakes, saying mean and hurtful things   personal growth and empowerment we
       within ourselves. I know, I know, you don’t  to ourselves, or otherwise reprimanding   experience. We WANT to do things that
       want to hear that. You’ve decided you’re   ourselves, we’ve got to mentally stop that   support our bodies instead of feeling that
       ready to lose weight, and you just want it   train right in its tracks.  we HAVE to do those things.
       gone, today or preferably yesterday. But,   Try this: Say, out loud if you can,   When we speak positively to our-
       in all those programs that promised you   “STOP” so the mind can hear that we’re   selves, a fascinating thing happens. We
       rapid weight loss and a beautiful, slim   not going down that path. Then we can   attract positive people who love and want
       body in a matter of days, how many gave   change tracks and remind ourselves of   to support us. In the next area of rela-
       you long-term results? Right.        the amazing, beautiful, and brilliant be-  tionships, we will consider Relationships
           Improving our relationship with our-  ings we really are. Even if we don’t believe  With Others.
       selves is the first step in creating positive   that, say those positive things to yourself
       relationships with others. Maybe you’re   anyway.
       thinking, “If only he/she would love me   We absolutely must better our rela-
       for me, then I’d feel good about myself.”   tionship with ourselves by fully accepting
       Or, “If they would just stop aggravating   all aspects of who we are and recognizing
       me, I’d be fine.”                    that we deserve all that we want in our
           The truth is we’ve got to love ourselves   lives. Only then can we expect to have
       first. That sounds a little cheesy. But it’s   better relationships with others, and
       really the heart of the matter. This is our   expect that they will treat us as well as we
       primary relationship that precedes all oth-  treat ourselves, or even better.
       ers. If our foundation is shaky without love   Developing this type of relation-
       and respect for ourselves, there’s no way we   ship with ourselves requires continual
       can build a solid relationship life on top.  diligence and being conscious of our
           We’ve got to love ourselves completely   thoughts on a daily basis, at least in
       and unconditionally. Again cheesy, I know,  the beginning. Eventually, it becomes
       but no one can do that for us.       automatic, but like learning any new skill,
           Do you speak harshly to yourself?   learning to love ourselves may be a bit
       While I definitely continue working on   mechanical at first. It takes time to grow a
       this, sometimes I still find myself saying   positive and loving relationship, espe-
       things about myself inside my head that   cially with ourselves, and especially if we
       I would absolutely never say to another   didn’t start off that way.
       human being. That compassion we might   So what does all this have to do with
       show or feel for others must also be di-  weight loss? Ultimately a healthy relation-
       rected back to us. We’ve simply got to stop   ship with ourselves offers personal em-
       berating ourselves beginning now, right   powerment so that we come to establish a
       now. NO MORE! Agreed? Ok!            healthy lifestyle from a place of self-love,

           This is an excerpt from the soon-to-be-published book, “CONFESSIONS OF A
        Fat Loss. The Struggle Is Real” by Stephanie Lee.
           Stephanie is a Certified Healthy Weight Loss Behavior Coach offering support to
        women who want to develop a healthy lifestyle in the midst of their busy and hectic lives.
        Let Stephanie show you how you can make choices that enhance your life, even on those
        days when you’re feeling dog-tired. For more information visit:
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