Page 50 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 50


               Days in Montepulciano                                                      of the surrounding valleys were

                                                                                          inspirational, but more impor-
                                                                                          tantly, living among the locals
                                                                                          provided an opportunity to
                          Article and Photos by Dom Gagliardi                             appreciate and understand the
                                                                                          cultural aspects of the town.
                                                                                             And then, of course, there
                                                                                          is  the  Tuscan  fare—from  the
           While traveling through Italy  to see and enjoy this bustling  to this Renaissance style church  freshest of pastas and olive oils
        several  years ago,  I discovered  community with its collage of  built from local travertine in the  to the Pecorino Romano cheese.
        the large town of Montepulicia-  Renaissance architectural styles.  mid-1500s.    Montepulciano is dotted with
        no, where I wine tasted and then  Take a walk along the Corso that   Travelers from the US plan-  wonderful cafes, bistros, and
        roamed the narrow cobblestone  rises  from  the  main  portal  and  ning to visit  Tuscany will gen-  restaurants. Begin your day with
        streets of this wonderful gem in  meanders its way up a steep  erally fly into Rome or Florence.  a  cappuccino  and  a  cornetto
        Tuscany.  I  was  so mesmerized  hill to the famed Piazza Grande  While there are currently great  (croissant) at the Caffe Poliza-
        and enthralled with its charm  that exudes a dominant Floren-  fluctuations in airfares, a recent  no, a popular meeting place
        and history I realized one day  tine influence. This town square  survey revealed that round-trip  since 1868. With so many dining
        was not enough and vowed to  is flanked on all sides with four  economy fares to both cities  choices, like LaVineria di Mon-
        return for a much longer stay,  beautiful palazzos, the most  start at approximately $1600,  tepulciano, Osteria del Conte, or
        and that is just what I did two  prominent being the Palazzo  including seat assignment and  Le Pentolaccia, decisions about
        years later.               Contucci, built in the 16th centu-  baggage fees. Montepulciano  meals  are  often tastefully  diffi-
           Situated in the heart of Tus-  ry and still home to family mem-  is easily accessible by train from  cult. But for the carnivores out
        cany, approximately halfway  bers, and the Contucci Cantina,  both of these cities and while I  there, I highly recommend Oste-
        between Florence and Rome,  whose basement chambers  never recommend renting a car  ria dell’Aquacheta, where guests
        this medieval hilltop town dates  have been filled with barrels of  in those cities, having your own  can gaze at the open fire oven
        back to the Etruscan Era from  wine since the 1500s. Along the  vehicle in Tuscany will truly en-  and slabs of fresh beef lying
        over 2000 years ago. However,  way, stop in any number of pala-  hance your  experience. In  ad-  on the counter until Guilio, the
        its most visible historic presence  zzos, such as the DeRicci Can-  dition, the roads are extremely  owner, brings cuts of meat to
        dates back to the 12th century,  tine or Cantina della Tolosa, for  manageable while you day trip  your table from which to choose
        with indications of the alternat-  a  taste  of  the  noteworthy  and  to sightsee or enjoy wine tast-  to prepare the most delicious
        ing power struggle between the  namesake  wine, Vino  Nobile di  ing in other cities and towns like  Florentine steak you will ever
        local royal families from Siena  Montepuliciano.      Siena, Pienza, Montalcino, Orvi-  devour.
        and Florence. Everywhere you   As formidable as the palaz-  eto, and Chianti, to name a few.  Whether it’s exploring the
        look, there are reminders of the  zos are, one cannot overlook the   While standard hotel lodg-  narrow streets of this majes-
        competing influences of these  churches peppered throughout  ing may seem somewhat limit-  tic  town,  driving  around  the
        powerful families.         the town, such as the Church  ed, there are many options for  verdant fields and vineyards
           Once protected from Bar-  of San Francisco and the Duo-  all budgets through  VRBO or  of  Tuscany, or getting your fill
        baric invaders by the wall that  mo. But the most impressive of  Airbnb. For example, I located  of gastronomic delicacies and
        still surrounds the town, its four  all is San Biagio Church, locat-  a five-room  apartment  in an  vino, vino, vino, it will leave you
        portals (gates) that kept out un-  ed outside the wall at the base  old villa situated right on the  wanting for more. For that rea-
        wanted enemies now remain  of Montepulciano’s hill. A cy-  wall for only $125 per night. The  son, I plan to return very soon.
        open, welcoming everyone  press-lined driveway leads up  views from the patio and garden  Ciao!

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