Page 2 - Team C & D Women of Distinction
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Women of Distinction

          eamwork isn’t just a concept                                         ®         Christina took notice of him.
        Twhen it comes to Danielle  Christina Gonzalez, Realtor  and  Having grown up with fathers in
        “Dee” Butler and Christina Gonza-                                                the military Christina and Hernan
        lez.  They are the C & D in Team C   Danielle "Dee" Butler, Realtor          ® started hanging out together and
        & D Realtors. Together they work                                                 before long, their relationship
        to make dreams of homeowner-                                                     became serious. Christina was
        ship possible.             Helping Military Families Find Their Dream Homes 18 when her Dad informed the
           Dee was born and raised in a            By Judith A. Habert                   family that his career would now
        small town in upstate New York                                                   be taking him to Washington and
        called Port Byron.  “It was a small   Photos courtesy of Dee Butler and Christina Gonzalez  he had no intention of leaving her
        historical town along the Erie Ca-                                               behind, she fought him and was
        nal. I was one of 86 in my graduat-                                              told that unless she was married,
        ing class. When it came to college,                                              she would have to come with the
        I decided to venture to Onondaga                                                 family.  Two days later Hernan
        Community College in Syracuse                                                    showed up with a ring, and as the
        instead of the local community                                                   saying goes, the rest is history.
        college to widen my perspec-                                                     The couple started their family
        tive as going to college near my                                                 shortly thereafter and had a little
        hometown would be more like                                                      girl.  They both wanted a bigger
        going to the 13th grade, with all                                                family, but when that failed to
        the same classmates,” It was in her                                              happen, they decided to adopt.
        second semester at college that                                                  It started out with adopting one
        Dee met her soon to be husband,                                                  child and today Christina and
        Ryan.  One day out of the blue                                                   Hernan are the proud parents
        he sprung on Dee that he would   Christina Gonzalez             Dee Butler       of five, named in order of age:
        be leaving for Bootcamp in two                                                   Katrina, Anthony, Kaden, Natalie,
        months.  Then it was changed to   pregnant, but they sat my hus-  military.  “My Dad is great and has  and Annie.
        two weeks and then two days.  “It   band and me down and told us   always sought out adventure at   So how did these two women
        was at this point that I told him   that if I didn't have some sort of   every turn.  He joined the Navy,   from different parts of the coun-
        I wanted to marry him. He went   hormone replacement therapy   right after my Mom and he were   try and different backgrounds
        to Bootcamp and when he got   that internally at 23, I was 68   married.  He decided that they   end up become partners in their
        back, we got married.”  Following   years old already. They suggested  should see the world.”  Christina   real estate business?  Dee shares,
        Bootcamp, he was deployed so   the need for a trainer, as well,   was born in Oakland, at what   “One of my friends, Leah Pom-
        we ended up not seeing each   because I was told if I fell, I could   used to be the Naval hospital   merer, who ended up knowing
        other until right before our first   break bones.”    there, and she and her broth-  Christina as well, introduced us.
        anniversary. Between schools and   Dee was understandably   er became the quintessential   She was in real estate and sug-
        his first deployment we only lived  depressed over the diagnosis,   military brats moving all over as   gested that it would be a great
        together for 5 days before our   and this is when Dee’s husband,   her Dad’s assignments dictat-  career for me to pursue.  She felt
        first anniversary!         Ryan, stepped in and found a   ed. “My Dad started on aircraft   the same regarding Christina.
           The couple moved on base,   fitness trainer, a nutritionist, and   carriers as one of the crew up   When Dee PCSed (permanent
        settled down, and had their two   a functional doctor and worked   on deck, when he tired of that   change of station) to California,
        children Elesia and Corbin. The   alongside Dee to improve her   position, he decided to become   Leah came out and introduced
        news came shortly thereafter   health and prognosis.  The couple  a corpsman on a fast attacks   us.  She realized right away that
        that they would be stationed in   was determined to find a solution  submarine which included some   our personalities complimented
        Okinawa, Japan.  So, with a six-  and Dee started noticing an   pretty dangerous missions. Dad   each other. Since we both had
        month-old and a two-year-old,   amazing change in how she was   would come home for a few days   children, and busy schedules,
        they packed up and headed to   feeling.  “I realized how much   and then be back out on his next   she suggested that working as a
        a new adventure far from home.    it helped and decided that she   deployment.”  team would make life easier for
        It was at this point that Dee was   wanted to take it a step further   The family at this point was   both of us and also provide cli-
        faced with a shocking medical   and started classes to become a   given the option to transfer   ents with a team that they could
        disorder. “I found out that my   trainer. She obtained her personal  back home to California and be   count on.”
        reproductive system was just   trainer’s license and went on to   attached to the Marines or go to   There was one element that
        shutting down. They didn't know   earn a certificate in Nutrition. She   Cuba.  "Mom had been extremely   they soon found would not only
        why. I had been going back and   started her own business Body   flexible over the years, but this   make them into the fabulous
        forth to doctors. They sent me   by Dee, in 2018 and has loved   time she really wanted to go back  real estate agents that they are
        out in town to a specialist with   helping clients recognize the   home where she had family.  It   today, but would also give them
        a translator. They did all types of   positive changes exercise and   was at this time that Desert Storm  an incredible purpose in life.  They
        tests and as a result, they sent me  proper nutrition can make. If you   broke out and Dad was off to Oki-  would focus primarily on military
        back to the states early with the   would like to learn more or set up  nawa to be with the Marines."   clients. Dee’s husband Ryan is still
        kids.  We were sent to California,   an appointment you can contact   Christina’s mom worked on   active-duty military.  He is a Chief
        where more tests ensued, and   Dee at   base, as do many military wives,   Warrant Officer 2 in the USMC
        they found that I had premature   At the same time, Christina, a   and she had a co-worker who   and is currently deployed. Christi-
        ovulation failure. They told me   sixth-generation Californian was   just happened to have a hand-  na’s husband is a first responder,
        that I had a 1% chance of getting   growing up with a father in the   some son.  It wasn’t long before   serving as a Police Officer.
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