Page 3 - Team C & D Women of Distinction
P. 3
Women of Distinction
Christina adds, “You know, the agents we recommend. We get to the point where it's only and fitness of their clients. This
my husband and I were military know they are knowledgeable about the money, then we don't includes a financial planner,
kids. We both have a very strong and able to do what is needed. want to do it anymore. It's about mortgage specialists, and even
sense of patriotism and there's We're not just going to hand you caring for them and helping a team of home improvement
just nothing like growing up in to somebody to get a paycheck. them move forward in life. In a experts. “We have clients who
the military and going to the mil- We're handing you to somebody way that's in their best interests, call us five years or more after
itary ceremonies, seeing the flag that we trust.” not our best interest.” we sell them their home to ask
and all the people dressed up in for recommendations for work
uniform. There's just nothing like needed around their home. It is
that. I don't feel it in civilian life so fulfilling to know that our cli-
really the way that I did when we ents not only think of us as their
were growing up. And so, both of realtors, but also as their friends.”
us had that very strong sense of I asked the Ladies if there was
what our history costs us, the sac- one point that they wanted our
rifices made and, and how hard it readers to know about them. “I
is on a family to live that lifestyle. think we want them to know that
So, even though we aren't still in we are here for them and that
that lifestyle, my husband decid- we’ve got them. When you work
ed he wanted to serve, not in the with us you are not only getting
military, but as a first responder. one of us, you are getting both
He is a policeman. It is a very simi- of us. This means double the
lar philosophy about life, working attention and it's not only that
in a paramilitary organization. we are giving you the attention,
My kids are growing up with that but we also know how to give at-
same love of country.” tention based on being military,
Their commitment goes even based on being moms, based on
further than being specialists for being that support group for our
military clients, their brokerage, whole family.”
Sand to Sea Properties, Inc. in Christina added, “If you need
Temecula donates $500 to the us, we will help you. And I think
Sempre Fi Fund when a client that's one of the things that
buys or sells real estate through when we say we got it, we really
them, or even recommends mean it. If you need an electri-
someone to their firm. Over the cian, or a plumber, or a contrac-
years, tens of thousands of dollars tor, we hook you up with the
have been donated to continue professional you need. We don't
to show their dedication to our get anything from it, except for
military men and women who risk knowing we have helped you.
their lives every day to make sure And so, there's more to it than
each and every one of us is safe. we are going to help you stage
“Because we are veteran-run your house and take pictures.
and operated. We work with a lot You can always call us and utilize
of VA loans. Because of that, we us as a resource. We are happy
are also able to look at your pur- to do this for our clients.”
chasing choice, which is often dic- As Dee shared, “I think what
tated by your career. As a military it all comes down to is this, with
family, a veteran, or both, we take Team C & D Realtors, we listen,
into account how long will our cli- we focus on the success of our
ent be here? Are they only going clients, and we value relation-
to be here for a certain amount When you meet these two There have been times when ships over revenue.”
of time? Because that means they very special women you will Team C & D had to tell potential
might want to get a different kind understand why they are so clients that it is not time for them If you are looking for a team that
of loan or set it up differently. We popular with their clients. They to buy a house. That it might
have the ability to educate our really care about what they are make better sense to rent for a will provide all the knowledge,
clients as we work with them, doing and put the same care while until they get their finan- patience, guidance, and care that
because been there done that, into their clients as they do their cial life in better shape, or until is needed when taking one of
and we've worked through it. So, families. The ladies share, “I think things change in the market. the biggest steps in your future,
we can provide you with another that the empathy and love that If this is the case they will then contact Team C & D Realtors.
agent in a different location that we give to our children also help assist them in finding a tem-
we vetted should your assign- translates into the caring and porary rental property. Besides
ment take you out of state or love that we give to our clients. these two powerhouse women,
out of the country. They already Our clients are more than just their team consists of a group of (760) 689-2256
know what to expect from us, and people that pay us to help them specialists who work together to
we know what they will get from find their dream home. If we ever look out for the financial health