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Fabulous Finds by Jaime V. Habert
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most utilized goods. With a phone slot, credit bag makes shopping simple by coming with 9.5”, making it ideal for reaching any spot. The
card holder, and cash section, you will have removable support bars that were designed comfortable non-slip grip also makes it easy
all you need to run your errands with ease, to cling to the cart and allow for easy loading to hold.
or simply have a handbag-free night on the and unloading. The bags feature mold-resis- BearBack is so confident in its products
town. tant mesh bottoms and can be tossed into the that they even offer a 2-year warranty on
The importance of the magnetic strap and washing machine whenever your shopping each roller. A common use for the roller is for
slim design is to make these items you reach trip has an unexpected spill. those who enjoy getting tattoos. Aftercare for
for every day easily accessible- even in the The Lotus Trolley Bag also comes with a tattoos can be a struggle if your placement is
bulkiest of purses. That way, when your child 100% Love It Guarantee to ensure you will difficult to reach, but not with this foam roller.
goes from 0-60 in the middle of Vons, you can be enthralled with the product or can send it You can easily ensure your tattoo is hydrat-
grab and go without any unnecessary delay. back for a full refund. This family-owned Cal- ed and able to heal when using antibiotic
This brand isn’t just focused on making ifornia small business has so many products ointment or moisturizing lotions. All you have
life simpler for its customers. For every strap that help make the world a better place. to do to clean your roller is run the foam head
sold a portion goes to Mission Africa, an The produce bags are another favorite of under hot water and leave it to dry- it couldn’t
orphanage/school in Ghana. Atrac believes ours. This set of 5 100% organic raw cotton be simpler!
children are our future, and investing in them bags is practical and eco-friendly. Featuring a Some other useful items from BearBack
will create a better tomorrow. Not to mention drawstring with wooden bead closure, these include a Back Scratcher and Pet Grooming
their use of quality vegan leather means you bags can serve many purposes from fruit & Scratcher. These items and more can be
can feel good about your purchase in every vegetable shopping to kids’ small toys and viewed online now at
way! snacks. This set comes with 2 small, 2 medium,
Visit to shop for your own and 1 large size bag that is machine washable 10. Swiff Spray
magnetic strap or phone pouch today. for your health and convenience. If you have ever hit the gym before work,
Shop the entire collection of Lotus Prod- you know the struggle of doing your best to
8. Lotus Shopping & Food Bags ucts at remove all that sweat and odor from your
Everyone is looking for a way they can better clothes without having to take a shower and
the environment these days and we found 9. BearBack ruin your hair. Swiff Spray is a handy way to
one of the most effortless decisions you could This is a product that you will wonder how remove odors from fabrics and sources that
make that will provide a big impact in Lotus you ever lived without! The BearBack Lotion hold bacteria. This safe, plant-based coating
Shopping Bags. Roller applicator makes it easy to apply lotion protects against odors and is packaged in a
Lotus offers quality produce and grocery on difficult to reach places. With its ergonom- small and portable container. You can slip this
bags that help to eliminate one-time-use ically curved handle and unique dense foam into your gym bag or purse with no issue.
plastics and unnecessary packaging. One rollers, you'll enjoy the benefits of healthier Swiff is made in America and designed
of our favorite products from Lotus is their more comfortable skin without asking for and created in Japan. It’s the best of both
Trolley Bag. help! Each roller comes with two replaceable worlds! With free shipping anywhere in the
The Lotus Trolley Bag comes in fun colors foam rollers that are 3.5” deep and hold just world and a money-back satisfaction guaran-
and offers the perfect solution for grocery the right amount of lotion. These rollers are tee, you can rest assured this company stands
shopping. This set of 4 heavy-duty reusable washable and reusable. This premium quality behind its product. In fact, the designers
bags includes an insulated cooler, and egg & item would be a great gift for a mother or behind this powerful spray are a team of high-
wine specialty pockets. With additional pock- father who has difficulty in applying their ly accomplished individuals who base their
ets on the inside and outside, the Lotus Trolley lotions or topical ointments, or a friend who product on scientific research.
Bag makes storage easy and convenient loves to hit the beach solo and would appre- Swiff is hypoallergenic and aluminum
plus it has durable double stitching that can ciate some assistance from the BearBack. The free; plus, it can easily be taken on airplanes
hold up to 50 pounds of goods. This trolley folding handle extends to 17” and collapses to when you do not have time to change your