Page 33 - San Diego Woman Glace Ziperovich Cover
P. 33
The Savannah team in- city hall and assisted in area
cluded three Sailors from USS community service projects.
Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78): Yeo- “I feel very privileged to
man First Class Jazzette Bai- get to represent the Navy and
ly from Sparta, Ga.; Logistics to be an ambassador during
Specialist Seaman Ariel Watts Women’s History Month,” said
from Douglas, Ga.; and Mass Logistics Specialist Seaman Ari-
Communications Specialist el Watts. “It’s so important for
Second Class Angel Jaskulo- women to feel empowered, and
ski from Salt Lake City, Utah. I’m so proud to get to be a part
Other Norfolk area Sailors on of this Navy Week, and to have
the team include Ens. Aman- a voice for women who didn’t
da Little from Naval Computer have these opportunities.”
and Telecommunications Area It is important to pause and
Master Station, Atlantic, from reflect on how far the Navy has
Las Vegas, Nev.; and Electri- come and celebrate the bravery
Photo By Petty Officer 2nd Class Zachary S Eshleman | Yeoman 1st Class cian’s Mate Madison Reiff who of female trailblazers that got
Jazzette Bailey, left, Ens. Amanda Clark and Logistics Specialist.
serves aboard USS Stout (DDG us to this point. Women’s His-
Female Trailblazers in Savannah during 55) from Grayson, Ga. tory Month reminds us of the
“It’s an honor to represent inequality women had to face
Women’s History Month women in the military,” said and that they must serve in a
Little. “I think a common mis- way that honors the legacy and
SAVANNAH, GA, UNITED STATES conception is that the military is improves the way of life for the
Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command mostly men, so it’s nice to show continuous generations of fe-
them that women can be warf- male Sailors.
A delegation of Navy Fleet women,” explained Capt. Sar- ighters too.” Navy Weeks are the service’s
Outreach Ambassadors arrived ah Self-Kyler, U.S. Fleet Forces While women have served signature outreach program,
in Savannah this week repre- Command Public Affairs Offi- in the United States military designed to allow the citizens
senting a wide-range of Navy cer. “Women are, and continue since before America became a of Savannah and surround-
commands and communities to be a very influential and in- nation, they were not officially ing areas to learn about the
to participate in Navy Week Sa- tegral part of our Navy, and it’s recognized as military mem- Navy, its people, and its impor-
vannah. wonderful to see them sharing bers or veterans until 1948. tance to national security and
The Fleet Outreach Am- their stories with their commu- Women were originally rele- prosperity. The Navy Office of
bassador Team (FLOAT) for nity and future generations.” gated to serving in the civilian Community Outreach (NAVCO)
this Navy Week is comprised The FLOAT program pro- fields of nursing, laundering, coordinates numerous Navy
of an all-female team of Sail- vides an opportunity for the mending clothing and cook- Weeks across the nation every
ors who were hand-selected best Sailors to engage with ing. Today, women in the Navy year.
by their commanding officers their local community and may serve in all career fields. The women to include past,
to share their experiences share their experiences in the This female-led FLOAT is just a present and future service
and stories with the Savannah Navy. They are selected by small demonstration that wom- members, serve with pride and
community. their command based on their en in the U.S. Navy serve freely, continue to create an impec-
“Each Navy Week, we send performance, character and proudly and equally alongside cable legacy that active duty
request nominees to serve experience. Collectively, they men in any military branch or service members continue
as Ambassadors to represent form a diverse delegation that role they desire. through today.
just a few of the best Sailors can connect with citizens of During their mission, the For more news from U.S.
from across our Fleet. When we the Navy Week cities to edu- FLOAT visited local high schools, Fleet Forces Command, visit
pulsed our Fleet leaders, it was cate them about who they are, participated in the Savannah St. and
eye-watering to see that all of and all about their Navy and its Patrick’s Day Parade, engaged for more information visit www.
the nominees submitted for importance to protecting the with local Girl Scouts Troops, or
the Savannah program were nation. met Mayor Van R. Johnson at