Page 29 - San Diego Woman Glace Ziperovich Cover
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Share your health struggles with   Let them glimpse pain but not be  Remember: life goes on  In many ways, nothing
        them in an age-appropriate way  overwhelmed by it     I still clearly remember one   had changed—and that’s
        It’s natural to want to shield   It's always tempting to remove  evening shortly after I learned   the most important lesson I
        children from news that’s   kids altogether from painful   about the surgeon’s error.   learned. Our children were
        frightening to you, but they’ll   situations, but it's also healthy   My husband, Eduardo, and I   and will always be the same
        sense it if you’re holding back   for them to experience a level   were having dinner together   happy, energetic young indi-
        important information. Kids   of pain that they can tolerate   at home with the kids. I was   viduals they were from the
        pick up on the most surprising  and process. Pain and hard-  overwhelmed. Eduardo and   moment they came into this
        things! And knowing just a   ships are an important part   I were both still reeling with   world. Our job as parents is
        little but not enough can lead   of life. Pick some times when   shock. Yet when I got up   to honor that with love and
        them to imagine the worst   they can be with you and see   from the table to take a phone   honesty and to do what we can
        possible scenarios. Instead,   your discomfort. Talk to them  call from my doctor, I heard   in both sickness and health to
        explain what’s happening in a   about how you feel, and an-  Eduardo telling the kids to eat   keep them grounded in their
        way that matches their age and  swer their questions. But make  their veggies and not just the   routines so they feel safe and
        ability to understand. Stick to   sure there are plenty of other   cheese. In other words: life   stable and can flourish.
        the big picture, especially for   times when they are busy fo-  goes on. Their routine con-
        younger kids (for example,   cusing on their usual activities  tinued as always, as if nothing
        “Mommy is sick but the doc-  and are not overwhelmed by   had changed.
        tors are helping her”), and add  the more difficult moments.
        key details for older kids, such
        as the nature of the illness.  Give them opportunities to help  Lorena Junco Margain is an author, art collector, and
                                                                philanthropist as well as an advocate for forgiveness and
        Lean on friends and family  Kids feel empowered and     compassion. After surviving a surgeon’s error in 2012 that left
                                   uplifted when they’re involved
        When you or your spouse are   and can make a contribu-  her with a lifetime of medical issues, she penned a memoir
        at the center of the crisis and   tion—so let them! Maybe   about the experience, On the Way to Casa Lotus, promoting
        can barely keep it together,   they’d like to hold a warm   forgiveness as a force for personal and universal change. A USA
        you may not be the right one   compress to your forehead or   Today and Wall Street Journal bestseller, On the Way to Casa
        to speak with or care for your   take your temperature. How   Lotus won the American BookFest’s 2021 Best Book Award for
        children—at least not all the   about bringing you a glass of   narrative nonfiction. It has received praise from Camila Alves
        time. That’s where friends   water or brushing your hair?   McConaughey, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and founder of
        and family come in. Let them   The possibilities are endless.; Nancy D. Perrier, M.D., F.A.C.S., Chief
        step in and help by taking the   Be creative and the joy will   of Surgical Endocrinology, University of Texas M D Anderson
        children, speaking with them   overpower the angst.     Cancer Center, and many other prominent voices.
        about the situation in terms
        you’ve agreed on in advance,
        and demonstrating to the kids
        that they’re loved and support-
        ed even if mom and dad are
        preoccupied. I’ll never forget
        the times my own kids came
        skipping home after a playdate
        or a movie and am forever
        grateful to the people who
        stepped in and organized these
        outings. After all, kids are
        kids—and most often they just
        need to be kept safe and happy.
        And they’re much better off
        distracted and entertained
        than sitting by your bed wor-
        ried and afraid.

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