Page 27 - San Diego Woman Glace Ziperovich Cover
P. 27

Tacos, Tequila and Mariachi--Sí Señor!!!

                                          Article & Photos by Maggie Ramos

                                   al Latino book Fair; The Door   Home - Aging Adults with
                                   of Faith Orphanage, the North   Mental Illness…just to mention
                                   County Food Bank, etc.      a few.
                                       Corie De Anda is a major   The caterer of the delicious
                                   part of both Route 78 Rotary   tacos was Mi Rancho Market in
                                   (having just been elected as   Escondido; the guests like these
                                   President) and MANA, as the   tacos so much they request the
                                   Hermanitas Director. De Anda   same caterer year after year. The
                                   is a retired bilingual educator,   tequila supplier this year was
                                   and she works full-time on a   Califino (each ticket holder gets
                                   pro-bono basis serving both   to taste the various tequilas).
                                   organizations. Her hard work   They presented Extra Añejo,
           On Sunday afternoon,    pays off with every student who   Añejo, Reposado and Blanco. I
        April 10th I attended the “VIP   goes on to college and every   had a shot of the Blanco, and it
        Tacos and Tequila” event,   successful Rotary event.   was amazingly soothing, sweet,
        which is part of the Mariachi   Gabriela Hooshmand par-  and soft to the pallet.  of tequilas and a lunch plate
        Festival at the California Center  ticipates hand-in-hand with De                 well served with tacos of your
        for the Arts, Escondido. It was   Anda as she is the Co-Founder                   choice, rice beans and corn on
        an awesome experience.     of MANA de North County                                the cob was served this year.
           This event is organized   and the current Internal V.P.                        Oh and of course don't forget
        annually by "Route 78 Rotary   and Treasurer. Being from                          the delicious rich guacamole.
        Club" of North County San   Mexico City, she always makes                         There is no going hungry to
        Diego. Now let me tell you all   sure to attend the VIP event                     the Mariachi Festival after
        about it! If you missed it this   and the Mariachi Concert every                  attending the VIP Tacos and
        year, you could always attend   year.                                             Tequila pre-event.
        next year. It's a good way to   At this event I was pleased                          Everyone can be a VIP
        support many nonprofit orga-  to meet new movers and                              guest as long as you purchase
        nizations like MANA de North   shakers such as Route 78 Board                     your ticket ahead of time.
        County for scholarships for   Member Ashley Anello, who                           This year, tickets sold out very
        their "Hermanitas" mentees and  gave me the full scoop of the                     quickly. Because there is a lim-
        Encuentros, a mentoring pro-  event—she was in charge of                          ited capacity, you need to be on
        gram for Latino teens, among   the live tequila auction. Anello   With the $100 VIP ticket   the lookout as soon as the tick-
        many, many other nonprofits   is a great volunteer not only   you can participate in the   ets start selling and grab them.
        that Route 78 Rotary Club   in Rotary, but in many other   fun silent auction, the tequi-  Route 78 Rotary announces all
        supports: Thousand Smiles;   nonprofits in the area, such as   la auction, and the drawing   their events on their Facebook
        Alabaster Jar; Empowering   Unicorn Home (LGBTQ Group  for free bottles of top-shelf   page. This event is their main
        Latino Futures; the Internation-  Home) Copper Hill Group   tequila. It includes the taste   fundraiser for the year.

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