Page 22 - San Diego Woman Glace Ziperovich Cover
P. 22
“Today my son, now attending college, networking with the City Members,
still tells me that I have the coolest job! Oceanside Museum of Art, Oceanside
but I tell him we are lucky, he had the Chamber, and Welcome Oceanside.
use of the Club growing up which is why Cyndi shared with me, “Through the
his golf handicap is 19 less than mine!!” Oceanside Museum’s former director,
The year was 2004, when Cyndi be- there were about 80 of us civic-minded Photo Courtesy of Gail Owens
came the Membership Director, making individuals/business owners, and resi-
this her 18th year at El Camino Country dents wanting to add Culture to Oceans-
Club. ide. I broke off into a very small group
I asked Cyndi what it is that she loves and we started Oceanside’s First Friday
about her job. “I love the people that Artwalk.” Cyndi served as the past
work here, and I love the members. I just president and has seen first-hand the
love meeting new people” immense change in the way Oceanside is
Since Cyndi has been at the club so viewed. “With the work of many cultural
long, I asked her to share its history with groups Oceanside is now one of just 14
us. “When Ted Vallas bought the club, in the state of California named Cultural
it consisted of the nine-hole course, a driv- Art Districts. The latest project I worked
ing range, the clubhouse, the pool, and on (and I wish I could have done more!)
a couple of tennis courts. Soon after he is the Love the ‘O’ Oceanside Harbor
added the other nine holes. Over the years Love lock statue that will be produced Gail Owens.
he added more tennis courts, a pickle ball by Randall Art Ranch and installed Whenever you enter the restaurant,
court, and a fitness room. He also add- later this year adjacent to the Oceanside you are greeted by your first name by
ed the hotel that is at the bottom of the Outrigger Club at the Harbor beach. the wait staff. This didn’t take weeks but
property and so it became a sort of resort The heart of this project goes to Ted maybe two meals and everyone knew
destination. The club went private in the Schiafone, the Oceanside Harbor Divi- us. We look forward to seeing the wait-
late seventies and the hotel was sold off. sion Manager. This for me would not resses every time we come into the club.
It has been a private club ever since. Ted have been possible if I was not working One of the first servers we met when we
loved the club and how it grew.” and living in Oceanside. I am blessed to joined was Gail Owens. Gail could not
From the initial 80 members back have had such opportunities. Being the be any nicer. She is always super friendly
when the club was acquired it now has Membership Director has given me the and gives you every bit of information
over 800 memberships. There are four chance to be involved in the community you might need before deciding on your
levels of membership. There are Swim/ and tie into my position. I think this is dining choice. If there is one thing that I
fitness, tennis, golf, and social member- very important! To give back.” especially love about what I do is that it
ships. “Our golf course was used as the One of the greatest facts I learned allows me to dig deeper into people’s lives
qualifying course by the PGA for Torey while talking to Cyndi was that members and when I had the chance to speak with
Pines for 21 years.” Now that ain’t too of the Club adopt 20-30 Camp Pendleton Gail outside of the restaurant, I learned
shabby! families and do all they can to give them some very interesting facts about her. Not
I asked Cyndi what some of her a great Christmas! “We have everyone only is she a server at the club, but she is
favorite memories were at the club. to the Club for a dinner and they are also an extremely talented commercial
“That's a tough question. I think my presented with gifts. It is another lovely photographer. Her specialty is Archi-
favorite day is the open house at Christ- evening here!” tectural photography and back in New
mas time when the club is fully decorat- I have to agree with Cyndi, I think Jersey where she was born and raised,
ed and everyone comes to see the tree, one of the greatest things about the she worked at a studio which spanned a
and we throw a huge party with about country club are the members. They are 50,000-square-foot warehouse where they
400 members and family in attendance. all so down-to-earth and friendly. Cyndi did all the staging and building of sets for
I also loved being here during ‘The added, “This is the most relaxed country some of the biggest studios in Manhattan.
Qualifiers.’ The members got to inter- club you will ever belong to. Everyone is It was when this studio closed down that
act with the golfers, but to be honest, I like family. When a member becomes ill, Gail and her husband Chris decided to
think every day here is special because they rally around the member and family. make the move to the West Coast. Gail
of who is here. The members are like my If someone experiences a tragedy in their was introduced to the senior Editor at
best friends.” life or a loss of a spouse, the members San Diego Home and Garden Magazine
What few people know about Cyndi come to their aid. There is no better where she worked for 13 years until the
is just how much she does, not only for group of people than our members” well-loved and respected magazine shut its
the members but for the community as I must agree with Cyndi on the mem- doors forever.
well. She not only loves her job, but she bership, but personally, I think that the Gail decided to go back to waitress-
loves her current hometown of Oceans- members mimic the staff. They are truly ing which she had done in her earlier
ide. She spends a good amount of time the nicest people I have yet to meet. days. She worked for Bobby’s Hideaway