Page 20 - San Diego Woman Glace Ziperovich Cover
P. 20

El Camino Country Club

                          FINDING MY HAPPY PLACE

                                                   By Judith A. Habert

           Born and raised in the New York City  and the financial situation has greatly   champion, and a six-time European
        area, and coming from a working-class   improved over those lean years back in   champion. At the height of her career,
        family, certain concepts clearly resonated   New York.                   she was one of the highest paid actresses
        growing up. You had to go to college,   About a year ago, a neighbor Mark,   in Hollywood. Shirley Temple was an
        work really hard, and pray that one day   a former New Yorker, shared with us that   American actress, singer, dancer, and dip-
        you would live the life of those New   he was a member of a local country club.   lomat who was Hollywood's number one
        Yorkers living on Park Avenue or the Up-  We still figured, well he is an attorney,   box-office draw as a child actress from
        per East Side. Let’s face it few of us ever   guess he captured the carrot. Once we   1934 to 1938. Together they purchased
        achieved those dreams, but it was nice   learned more about the country club, we   1,600 acres called Henie Ranch.
        having a goal regardless of how unlikely   soon learned that it was within our reach   The intention was to farm the land
        it was to attain.                   and maybe a visit to it would be in order.   and Sonja put it in her brother’s name,
           One of my dreams was to one day   It took approximately 5 minutes to realize   Leif Henie, who was also her business
        belong to a country club, with a full   that it was something we wanted to do.   manager. In the mid-1950’s Leif had the
        calendar of events to attend with a large   The Country Club, El Camino Country   vision to plan and develop a commu-
        group of close friends who enjoyed a   Club in Oceanside, not only fit the bill,   nity around a golf course. His concept
        similar lifestyle. Well, for most of my life   but in a small way, in the back of our   was to create a weekend getaway for
        it was purely a dream, a carrot dangled in   minds we felt like we had finally arrived.   his Hollywood friends and LA business
        the hope that all of the hard work would   The history of the Country Club   associates. William H. Atkins was the
        result in finally reaching the prize.   dates back to early 1939. Originally it   primary person responsible for the start
           It’s now over 22 years since a job   was owned by Sonja Henie and Shirley   of El Camino Country Club and formed
        opportunity brought me and my family to  Temple. Sonja was the famed Norwegian   the Ocean-Vista Land Company in 1958
        San Diego. We worked hard, we start-  skater and actress. She was a three-time   acquiring 185 acres of the Henie Ranch.
        ed businesses. The children are grown,   Olympic champion, a ten-time world   But Ted Vallas owned and is credited

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