Page 19 - San Diego Woman Glace Ziperovich Cover
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Women of Distinction

        your business thinking about   businessperson knows who   closed due to COVID. I guess I   a certain size or live a certain
        how successful you are going   to ask for the answers or help   wanted to know if her product   lifestyle. Being Fierce and Fit is
        to be. This is how I pursue my   they need.”          was only for those who were   just being comfortable in your
        dreams and I am already see-   One of the last questions   in great physical shape. “The   own skin and loving who you
        ing such positive results. You   I asked Glace was about her   Fit part of the name is not   are. Have the energy to do the
        can become a star in anything   company name. I understood   representative of those who are   things you love.”
        you do if you start out believ-  where the Fierce part of the
        ing you are a star.”       name originated. After time
           “My third suggestion is   spent with her, and hearing of    For more information on Fierce and Fit Plant-Based
        that you must have a plan. It   the many obstacles she faced   Protein Powder, the full ingredient list, and the fabulous reci-
        is important to have a plan   growing up, I understood     pes that you can enjoy visit her site at www.fierceandfitforlife.
        and work your way through it.   that had she not been fierce   com and order some of these amazing products today. Use
        And if you are lost or stumble   she would not have had the   our special promo code for 25% off: SDWoman25
        along the way don’t be afraid   bravery to move thousands of   For questions email: or visit
        to ask for help. A successful   miles away from home to make   their social media accounts: Instagram: @fierceandfitforlife
        businessperson needs to be   a better life. Nor would she   Facebook:
        humble and realize that no   have been able to start from
        one knows it all, but a smart   scratch when her studio was

                                                        ART BY CARLY CASTILLION

                                                       Looking for the perfect gift or family treasure
                                                    collaborate with North County Artist Carly Castillion on
                                                                   a commissioned Oil Painting:

                                                                      Phone: 760-672-6443
                                                                  Instagram: artbycarlycastillion

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