Page 14 - San Diego Woman Glace Ziperovich Cover
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Women of Distinction

           Robyn points out that pa-  point do surgeons consider opti-  ing process? What effect is this   ing this experience. You, or they,
        tients choosing reconstructive  mal health first…”    Informed Consent legislation   may have many more questions
        surgery can have anywhere from   With  multiple  extensive  having on patients and the   both about the issues we’ve dis-
        10-15 up to 25-30 surgeries to   surgeries, there are multi-  breast cancer community? Are   cussed, or more personal ques-
        “get  it  right”.  “There’s  a  lot  of  ple issues to consider.  The ef-  doctors embracing the Shared   tions... Robyn suggests connect-
        money coming into these sur-  fects of multiple times under  Decision  Making  concept  and   ing with GPAC (Global Patient
        geons who are performing these  general anesthesia, recovery  guidelines implemented?   Advocacy Coalition) at www.
        operations”.               time, changes in mobility, and   My hope is that this article If you’d like to
           The choice was very clear to  range of motion for example.   has  at  least  raised  your  aware-  connect with Robyn directly she
        Robyn. In her journey, she knew  Note “...they take pieces of your  ness about some of the issues   can  be reached at GPACunited.
        her quality of life and remaining  body from other parts to build  surrounding a breast cancer
        active  were most  important to  a breast mound for these recon-  diagnosis and what your rights   Click on or copy the link be-
        her  so  multiple  surgeries  and  structive surgeries…” How much  and options might be. Maybe   low to read additional informa-
        the risk of recurrence made that  of that is taking away from each  you know someone who is hav-  tion on this important topic.
        decision easy. However,  “There  woman’s quality of life?
        are some women that have re-  Informed  Consent  and
        ally strong ties to their breasts.   Shared Decision Making become   Conflicts of Interest in the
        They feel it’s such an important  especially  important. including
        part of their womanhood and  practitioners getting to know     Medical Device Industry
        their sexuality…” Or those who,  their patients and their lifestyles.
                                                                                 Robyn Towt | GPAC
        for whatever reason, feel breast  “Patients need to know, upfront,   Global Patient Advocacy Coalition
        reconstruction is a better option.  the problems that can come
        For these women, the decision  from these surgeries so they can
        isn’t quite so clear.      make educated decisions”.
           From a health standpoint,   There is so much more that
        there are many considerations,  can be said in relation to this dis-
        both from the patient's and the  cussion. How involved are family   Physicians
        surgeon's perspectives. “At what  members in your decision-mak-  According to the ASPS (American Society of Plastic
                                                                 Surgeons) annual plastic surgery statistics report,
                                                                 $16.7 billion was spent on cosmetic procedures in   Industry
                                                                 the U.S. in 2020. 1  Many of these procedures involve
                                                                 medical devices and pharmaceutical products.   The global medical device market was valued at
                                                                 Physicians routinely receive substantial   $412.4 billion in 2020, with $160.1 billion in North
                                                                 compensation from medical device manufacturers   America. 3  Global aesthetic medical devices are
                                                                 and pharmaceutical companies in the form of gifts,   projected to be valued at $15.1 billion in 2024, with
                                                                 travel, royalties, research grants, and consulting   North America dominating the market.  Two of the
                                                                 contracts.               top key players in the aesthetic device industry are
                                                                                          Abbvie (Allergan) and Johnson & Johnson (Mentor).
                                                                 In a 2008 Health and Human Services Senate   These companies are also two of top breast implant
                                                                 Hearing, Gregory E. Demske, from the Office of   manufacturers.
                                                                 Inspector General, testified to the U.S. Senate
                                                                 regarding the financial relationships between   With such a large amount of money at stake, it goes
                                                                 physicians and the medical device industry. In his   without saying that medical devices and cosmetic
                                                                 testimony he states, “scientific evidence suggests   procedures are both highly lucrative businesses.
                                                                 that there is a significant risk that payments will   Combine the two together and there is big money
                                                                 improperly influence medical decision making.    involved, really big money. Let’s examine one of the
                                                                 Researchers reporting in medical journals, such as   leading breast implant manufacturers and the
                                                                 the Journal of the American Medical Association and   money trail that leads to a group of physicians who
                                                                 the New England Journal of Medicine, have found   have strategically placed themselves in positions
                                                                 that such financial industry-physician relationships   where their influence has controlled the narrative
                                                                 are pervasive and the impulse to reciprocate for   of patient safety and informed consent practices for
                                                                 even small gifts has a powerful influence on   decades.
                                                                 behavior.” 2

                              Est. 1987
                        Gail Owens

                    Residential, Architecture & Interiors


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