Page 10 - San Diego Woman Glace Ziperovich Cover
P. 10
Women of Distinction
Kimy Aguirre
By Judith A. Habert
Photos by Dawn Nicoli/ Nicoli Productions
They often say that in life when you are The couple set out with great intentions
handed lemons make lemonade, but for Kimy to get back into shape and lose those ex-
Aguirre this expression has a slightly different tra pounds. Kimy recalls, “Three days into
twist to it. She took a global pandemic and this diet, I was absolutely miserable and de-
turned it into a brand new thriving business. pressed. I wondered how long could you go
No, she did not sell masks or any other COVID without eating sweets and bread, especially
related product, but she does credit the side when everyone was still stuck at home with
effects of the pandemic with the impetus to little to look forward to.”
start her amazing new company. Kimy got into the kitchen and examined
The past two years have been hard on the list of allowed foods. One of the items she
all of us. The pandemic gave us all a new could eat on this diet plan was steel-cut oat-
look into life as never expected. Sheltering at meal. As they say, necessity is the mother of
home was such a weird concept for most of invention, and for Kimy she was determined
us. Kimy Aguirre is the mother of five children to make this work. “I have no professional culi- 200 gyms across the nation. Once I provided
ages seven to twenty-two. So, as with most of nary experience whatsoever, but I knew I had donuts to my location the other franchisees
us stuck indoors with nothing much else to to do something which would allow us to stay started following my journey. I started getting
do, we ate. Breakfast would end and the next the course and lose those 20 pounds. I start- calls from other gyms, asking me if I would sell
thought would be to plan what to eat for our ed to grind oatmeal in a little coffee grinder my donuts at their locations.”
next meal. that I had at home and made it into flour. I Kimy was beyond excited that there was
After weeks of TV watching, Netflix bing- started to make these donuts from oatmeal so much interest in these little donuts that she
ing, and eating, Kimy watched the pounds flour, and I started to document my journey had made for her family. “The first gym was
add up and was especially concerned with on social media under the name ‘Kimy Gets this little barre studio in Del Mar. They asked
her husband’s weight gain. “We had nothing Skinny.’ I started getting tons of followers. if I would come in and sell donuts. I was hap-
else to do other than eat. Life as we knew it They just started following my journey of py as a clam. I had three little boxes of donuts
was shut down. I couldn’t take the kids to the weight loss. At the end of the first week, I lost and I sold them all. I was like the happiest per-
park or go to a mall or socialize with friends. eight pounds, and then I lost 12 pounds. I was son; I could not imagine that anybody wanted
So, I found that we were eating to pass the thrilled that I started to shed this weight, but to buy my little creation.”
time and the things we were eating were not knew without my little donuts it would have Little did Kimy know that this was just
the healthiest of choices. Inevitably we start- been impossible” the start. She received a call from the gym’s
ed to pack on the “Quarantine 15.” Although it Online Kimy was documenting every- CF0 located in their corporate office. “ I was in
was closer to 30-40 pounds. My husband, Ma- thing that she was eating, including her new shock. She insisted that she needed to meet
rio, has always been the sole provider for the donuts. “I started to document these donuts me since she had so many franchisees asking
family and I started getting concerned for his that I was making for myself to try to get me about me. I brought donuts to the meeting,
health especially since obesity was one of the through to week six. The response on my Ins- and they absolutely loved them. During this
biggest risks associated with COVID.” tagram was incredible. People started asking meeting, I received complete directions on
There was a gym around the corner from me when I was going to start selling these how I could move forward with my donuts. I
their house called ‘The Camp,’ that had start- donuts. I didn’t know what to say. I'm just this would no longer be a mom making donuts
ed offering outdoor workouts, so Kimy ap- mom of five, I'm not a professional baker by for her family, but a business owner with a
proached her husband with the suggestion any means, but I've always had a special inter- product that they wanted to include in their
that they join together. “His response was not est in food. I love baking. I love decorating. I gyms.”
positive at all. But after tugging at him inces- love cooking for my family. I didn’t know any Kimy left the meeting and immediately
santly he agreed, and we decided that we professional terminology; I just know what went to work clicking off the items on her list
were going to start a healthier journey. Part tastes good in my mouth. I never imagined which included getting a business license, a
of the gym’s slogan is that you can lose 20 that it would get to where it is now. I was just health permit, getting a certified food han-
pounds in six weeks. The kicker was that you sharing my weight loss journey.” dler’s permit, finding a commercial kitchen
had to have no sugar, no bread, and nothing Word was spreading and when the gym in which to bake, and naming her special
processed. So, there was a very long list of she attended found her secret to sticking with steel-cut oatmeal donuts which would now
things that you could not eat. And a very their diet plan they asked if she would consid- be known as “Doatnuts.” She worked vigor-
small list of things you could eat. We were er selling them at their locations. “The gym ously learning all she would need to know.
both determined to do it.” that I go to is a franchise. They have almost Alongside her husband, who at the time was