Page 9 - San Diego Woman Glace Ziperovich Cover
P. 9

Women of Distinction

                                             Adapting Through Changing            military equipment for those on the
                                             Circumstances                        front lines. She’s also directed sales
                                                                                  from her online classes and cake
                                             As her business has grown, this ev-  molds to the efforts in her home coun-
                                             er-more experienced pastry chef has   try. So far her fundraising has gar-
                                             learned what types of forms work best   nered over $65,000, which she’s used
                                             as well as what customers like. “It’s   to purchase food, medicine, supplies,
                                             not only about what I want to do, but   and evacuation transport in devastat-
                                             it’s about what people want to have.”   ed Ukrainian communities. (To learn
                                             Understanding customer demand and    more about her work, contribute to
                                             allowing it to fuse with her own vision   fundraising or order cake molds, visit
           The mold can be filled with a va-  have really propelled her forward on   her website
        riety of ingredients—typically lined   the world market. Locally, she has
        with a mousse and layered with fruit   often taken requests for one-of-a-kind   Hope in Resilience
        purées, nuts, cake, cookie, or brown-  desserts that clients could help dream
        ie. After it’s chilled and set, the cake   up themselves, and some of her special   If others ask Dinara Kasko for advice,
        is carefully removed from the mold   projects have been for top pastry    she’ll tell them, “Do not be afraid, take
        and Kasko adds any external finish-  magazines.                           risks, find like-minded people and get
        ing touches. This might be a shiny      In February, though, everything   creative.” Her outlook is aptly suited
        glaze, a finely airbrushed gradient of   changed for Dinara Kasko. She has   not only to business and baking, but
        colors, or edible handmade em-       heart-achingly watched as her previ-  now to the broader circumstance of
        bellishments The result is a dessert   ously vibrant home city of Kharkiv has   war in Ukraine as well. Sometimes
        that’s as interesting to the palette as   turned into a war zone, with beloved   creativity can be harnessed for un-
        it is to the eyes.                   landmarks and neighborhoods          expected situations. And sometimes
                                             destroyed before her eyes. A country   innovation is more than trying new
                                             under attack has made her reevaluate   things—it’s also forging connections,
                                             how she can best put her talents to use.  building pathways, and rising up to
                                                Within the current environ-       meet the most difficult changes. Even
                                             ment, Kasko has shifted much of her   under awful conditions, progress can
                                             3D-printing work away from pastry    be made. Whatever happens, Kasko
                                             design in order to make medical and   says, “the key is not to stop.”

                                                                                                    Kasko with cakes
                                                                                                    from some of her
                                                                                                    best-selling molds

           It’s a process that takes imagina-
        tion, hi-tech equipment, and a good
        amount of time. Chefs both amateur
        and professional who’ve wanted to
        try out these unique pastry shapes
        have been able to use her molds and
        personalize their contents’ colors and
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