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Women of Distinction
My Mother’s Day cake this year Her modern designs have been
was a special treat: slicing into it inspired by many sources—origami,
revealed a multi-layered dessert of aspects of her everyday life, requests
vanilla cake, lemon curd caramel, and for special projects. She loves lines,
mango gelée, topped with tesselating bold colors, and geometric elements.
swirls of mango mousse and flecks of New equipment and opportunities
gold. Its impressive design was thanks are always welcome to her. As she
to a silicone mold created through told me, “technology is always chang-
pastry chef Dinara Kasko’s 3D-print- ing,” and she loves challenging herself
ed cake process. Her unique method to push the boundaries of architec-
has inspired fans around the world tural capabilities in pastry.
with its stunning artistry.
That’s how it reached me—after
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, San
Diego author and pastry chef Krys-
tina Coles decided to make cakes
using Kasko’s molds as a fundraiser
for Ukraine relief. Coles is part of a
global community following the pas-
try star’s updates, while Kasko herself
is now dedicating her own efforts to
this greater cause.
Pastry Chef Dinara Kasko’s 3D-Printed Cake
Dinara Process
After the many creations she’s made,
Kasko amusingly says the process
Kasko uses is “simple”—though it takes several
days and must be started over if any
little thing gets bumped or goes awry.
Innovative idea she has, and then she makes a
A cake starts out as a sketch of an
computer model of it.
Desserts to Growth in Innovation
Just a few years ago, Dinara Kasko
Fundraise was a young mother who’d left her
job at a design firm to take care of her
newborn daughter. She began making
for Ukraine some basic cakes at home, but her
creativity needed something more.
After trying out store-bought molds,
she experimented with a friend’s
CNC milling machine, which she
By Kristin Chemis could use to create her own 3D de-
signs for cakes. Eventually she invest-
ed in an Ultimaker 3D printer and
moved her work to a studio outside
her home. Kasko’s pastries began to
get noticed, and she quickly grew to
international fame, doing tours and
master classes around the world.