Page 5 - San Diego Woman Glace Ziperovich Cover
P. 5
Carol Heath
Carol is a Certified Clinical
Master/Teacher; she is certified
in a myriad of alternative mo-
dalities including Color and
Sound therapy, Chakra ther-
apy, Reflexology, Cranial and
Lomi lomi massage and devel-
oped her own hands on heal-
ing method. Charles Illingworth Shelley Burbank Marymichelle Lotano Stephanie Moram
Charles frequently writes Shelley Burbank is an eclectic Ms. Marymichelle Lotano is Stephanie Moram, Green Liv-
humorous and heartwarm- writer of fiction and nonfic- a resident of San Marcos, CA. ing Expert, CEO and Founder
ing short stories, and is often tion. She has been published She is a mom to a graduating of Good Girl Gone Green al-
quite full of himself. He seems in the confession market and Senior, which has been her ways looks to repurpose things
to take pride in embarrassing in little & literary magazines, greatest joy. Marymichelle is over throwing them away.
his kids and grandchildren and she was a regular con- an attorney with the Law Of- She has sold everything from
whenever he can. In addition tributing writer for a weekly fice of Matthew Story repre- clothing to appliances in-per-
to writing numerous satirical newspaper where she covered senting our special needs chil- son and online and has com-
articles for a local newspaper, news, arts, and features. Learn dren's education rights. She is piled a list of her best resell-
Jaime V. Habert as well as authoring two very more on her website at www. a runner and a photographer ing tips!
Jaime is the Managing Editor well written books, so he says, and she enjoys the beach.
of San Diego Woman and a his goal is to bring joy and
freelance writer out of Carls- contentment into his readers
bad, CA. She loves to docu- life. He writes under the by-
ment topics of health and fit- line C F Illingworth.
ness, entrepreneurship, and
body image. Her dream is to
have a not-for-profit which
empowers young girls to fo-
cus on their goals in the busi- Sandra Aris
ness world. Kristin Chemis
Debbie Storms Sandra Aris, mom and en-
Debbie has enjoyed many ca- Kristin Chemis is a mother of trepreneur, creates protective
three, a writer, and a photogra-
clothing (Sandra Aris Pants)
reers from accountant to air pher/videographer. In addition for children to help encourage
traffic controller. She believes
Gerald Neff life is an adventure to be lived to fiction she writes technolo- confidence and resilience. Af-
With more than 40 years living to its fullest. Growing up in gy articles for Infused Innova- ter years working for and de-
tions under the pen name K.K.
signing clothing at motor-cross
and working in South Ameri- New Jersey, she learned life Tucker. She's also the owner and athletic gear compa-nies,
ca in the agriculture and for- skills to help her practice that of Kristin Chemis Photogra- Sandra wanted to use her ex-
estry business. topped off with credo. Her passion for travel
Maggie Ramos 25 years in the U.S. Embassy has taken her to many parts phy, which specializes in fam- per-tise to create a product
Maggie Ramos is a student at and Peace Corps. His writing of the world. She is now fo- ily portraits as well as company that can stop par-ents from
headshots and videos.
becoming overprotective and
MiraCosta College and is ar- experience includes local pub- cusing on writing about her provide kids with the comfort
tistically multi talented. She lications and years of U.S. Em- travels and interviewing en- they need to explore. For more
is a great writer, painter and a bassy reports; so sit back and tertainers, which is a great information visit: https://www.
skilled photographer. 760-695- enjoy the ride. Gerald Neff can combo!
2525. Artbymaggieramos@ya- be contacted at 760 796 4877. tective-padded-pants
Ava Lepor
A longtime resident of San
Diego, Ava Lepor is a teach-
er-turned-author. She holds
Eva Redding a B.A. in Psychology from
Sharon Hightower Eva was born and raised UCLA and a Masters in Teach- Lorena Junco Margain
Dawn Nicoli Sharon is a native of Cali- in the Czech Republic. She ing English to Speakers of Oth- Lorena Junco Margain is
For over 20 years Dawn has fornia, and has lived in Chi- came to Southern Califor- er Languages from New York an author, art collector and
owned and operated Nicoli cago and Guadalajara, MX. nia as a student and later met University. Ava is the author philanthropist as well as an
Productions, an environmen- She earned an MA in Teaeh- her husband. They have been of Silver Linings, her creative advocate for forgiveness and
tal portrait studio, run out of ing English as a Second Lan- happily married for 25 years nonfiction book of memoirsб compassion. After surviving a
her two-acre property in Es- guage (TESOL) from CSU- and live in San Marcos. Even Short Stories Long on Life, surgeon’s error in 2012 that left
condido. Starting a new chap- LA some 20 years ago, but though English is her second her first fiction collection, and her with a lifetime of medical
ter of her life, when serenity has recently completed her MBA language, she has always been is com-pleting her upcoming issues, she penned a memoir
become so important, Dawn at Point Loma. A busy wom- drawn to exploring it through second book of fiction, Pie in about the experience, On the
spends her time in her palapa an with 9 grandchildren, she reading and creative writing. the Sky and Other Stories. Fol- Way to Casa Lotus, promoting
tree house with her dog, Karma. combines teaching with her Her favorite is writing poetry, low the author at her website: forgiveness as a force for per-
exploring the world of writing. love of writing. mysteries, and travel articles. sonal and universal change.