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Women of Distinction

                                              “I WAS HARMED BY

                                             BREAST IMPLANTS”

                                                                 by Stephanie Lee

                                                             Photos Courtesy of Robyn Towt
                                                                                          to have a double mastecto-
                                                                                          my because I really wanted to
                                                                                          eliminate the risk of recurrence
                                                                                          down the road. …having a dou-
                                                                                          ble mastectomy was a very easy
                                                                                          decision and I felt it would give
           “Do the best you can until                                                     me the peace of mind to move
        you know better. Then when you                                                    along in life [and] not deal with
        know better, do better.” Maya                                                     cancer all day every day.”
        Angelou                                                                              “I knew I didn’t want any of
           This quote was offered to me                                                   the really expensive surgeries
        by Robyn Towt while we talked.                                                    that had multiple incision sites
        In our lives, hopefully, we follow                                                with a 12-20 week recovery. So
        Maya Angelou’s advice. We learn,                                                  the surgical options that were
        we overcome, we improve and                                                       presented to me were recon-
        we grow. This way of living can’t                                                 struction with breast implants.”
        be more true for Robyn  Towt,                                                        When someone is diagnosed
        three-time cancer survivor and                                                    with  cancer it typically means
        all around amazing advocate for                                                   having a team of doctors as-
        women’s medical rights.                                                           signed that oversee the care. In
           The events in Robyn’s life af-                                                 Robyn’s 2017 case there was a
        ter her breast cancer diagnosis in                                                Breast Surgeon, an Oncologist,
        2017 catapulted her center stage                                                  and a Plastic Surgeon. But even
        into  the  women’s  rights  arena.                                                with this team of experts, Robyn
        She did not plan to become so                                                     recalls that no one went over, in-
        visible yet here she is taking a                                                  depth, the risks or problems that
        strong stand  for  women’s right                                                  can happen with reconstruction.
        to know, Let’s hear her story.                                                       “They made it sound easy.
           Robyn has been married                                                         They told me it would make me
        to her high school sweetheart                                                     feel whole again. It would make
        for 26 years and as a boy mom                                                     me feel like a woman again and
        had been quite physically active                                                  it would let me get my life back
        and thriving in her life until she                                                together so I could move on. So
        received her breast implants in                                                   I did that.”
        2017 where  her  most  amazing                                                       Another aspect of Robyn’s
        and unusual story begins.                                                         experience  that was  unique  is
           Because she had exposure to   One’s life circumstances play   Robyn’s boys were 16 and 18  that she didn’t have any other
        a cancer diagnosis twice before,  a huge role in what kind of care  at the time of her breast cancer  treatments  like chemotherapy
        Robyn believes her experience  each of us may choose when  diagnosis. She felt a sense of ur-  or radiation therapy. She only
        of the breast cancer diagnosis  faced with cancer. If we have two  gency to get it over with as soon  had the surgery.
        may have been a bit different  and four-year-olds, for example,  as possible and get on with her   She had tissue expanders
        from someone being diagnosed  then we may decide for possibly  life. She wanted to enjoy her chil-  put in at the same time as the
        for the first time where it can be  more aggressive treatments, or at  dren while they were still home  mastectomy.  The purpose of
        overwhelming.              least different treatments than if  before going off to college. “So  these is to expand the skin to
           Robyn received her first can-  we’re older and/or childless. This  I really just wanted to deal with  get ready for the insertion of the
        cer diagnosis at age 23. “I was  is why Robyn believes it’s import-  this cancer journey as quickly as  implants. Maybe it’s just me, but
        just a kid. I know the roller coast-  ant for doctors to have a sense of  possible.”  this sounds incredibly painful on
        er that goes with that. 2017 was  each patient’s lifestyle in helping   “I was Stage one and had not  top of the surgery itself. “So I was
        a little different because my kids  them decide what course of treat-  metastasized. It hadn’t spread  struggling through the tissue
        were older.”               ment might be best for them.  to any lymph nodes so I chose  expansion stage and in August
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