Page 16 - San Diego Woman Glace Ziperovich Cover
P. 16

Women of Distinction

                                                              there had to be a better place   York with a friend. During this
                                                              for me and if I wanted to make   trip they met some women
                                                              a good life for myself, I had to   who came from different
                                                              leave Brazil.”              countries. As the conversation
                                                                  At the age of 23, Glace   progressed, she found out that
                                                              made the decision to leave   they were teachers. Glace had
                                                              Brazil on her own and pursue   always wanted to teach but felt
                                                              a life in the United States.   it was an unlikely career for a
                                                              “When I came, I did not speak   foreigner who had just learned
                                                              the language at all. My first   the language, but after meeting
                                                              step was to attend school so I   these women she realized that
                                                              could learn English. I found it   if they could do it, so could
                                                              to be quite a difficult language   she. Glace went back to school
                                                              to learn. I knew if I was to suc-  to get her bachelor’s degree
                                                              ceed here, I had to be fluent, so  and then continued on to
                                                              I worked really hard to master   obtain a master’s in Education.
                                                              the language.”              After graduation Glace worked
                                                                  Once Glace decided to   as an assistant teacher at Mira-
                                                              change her life, she knew that   mar College to gain teaching
                                                              she had to be fierce and not let   experience. In a span of over
                                                              anything stop her. “I feel like   10 years, she taught ages pre-
                                                              I was always a fierce person   school to college all over San
                                                              because I didn’t think about   Diego, venturing from North
                                                              the consequences. That's what   County to Miramar. Glace
                                                              I tell people. If you think too   loved teaching and especially
                                                              much, you don't do it you just   enjoyed seeing the faces of her
                                                              have to go for it. Even when   students light up when they
                                                              it comes to travel, I can go   learned something new. She
                                                              anywhere in the world know-  was not a traditional teacher.
                                                              ing that I’m going to find a   She loved finding ways to
                                                              way to survive and flourish. If   involve her students in every
                                                              somebody tells me that I’m not  aspect of their learning. To a
                                                              going be able to do something
                                                                                          casual observer walking into
                        Glace                                 it makes me want to prove   her classroom, it was often
                                                                                          hard to tell who the student
                                                                                          was and who was the teacher.
                                                                  With a cousin living in
                Ziperovich                                    the Bay area, Glace decided   Her strategy with her students
                                                                                          was rooted in her belief system
                                                              to head in that direction. The
                                                              youngest of three children, her
                                                                                          and everyone should learn,
                                                              family was fearful of having   that everyone should teach —
              Fierce and fit for life!                        their baby leave the country.   including herself.
                                                                                             Never one to be stagnant,
                                                              “They are very proud of me
                                                              now because of all I have ac-  it was at this point that Glace
                      By Judith A. Habert                     complished. My siblings look   decided that she wanted to
                                                              up to me since I had the guts   change directions and start her
               Photos by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions       to make such a major move by   own business. “I am always
                                                              myself.”                    up for a challenge and so I
        G    lace Ziperovich truly   which was not an easy child-  rived, she met her ex through   loved fitness so I decided that
                                                                  A year after Glace ar-
                                                                                          decided to take the plunge. I
                                       Glace grew up in Brazil
                                                              a friend from school. Glace
             knows what it means
                                                                                          I could combine two of my
             to be fierce and fit. It’s   hood. “Brazil is known as a   was married for 19 years and   favorite things, fitness, and
        not only her company’s name   violent country. I have seen   has one son, Gabriel. “I knew   teaching.”
        but it easily describes who she   it all. I was surrounded by all   I needed to be successful not    Once again Glace was
        is and how she has managed   types of violence. It was only   only for myself but for my   back in the role of student
        to get through a life that has   by the grace of God and my   son.” Glace decided to go back   earning all necessary certi-
        repeatedly tested her strength   many prayers that I did not fall   to school. The impetus for this   fications so she could be the
        and positive mindset.      prey to this violence. I knew   decision was a trip to New   best fitness expert and provide

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