Page 18 - San Diego Woman Glace Ziperovich Cover
P. 18
Women of Distinction
thrilled with the contents. It sion. Even though I have gone those looking to shed some can add desired items to the
was full of many of the fruits through a lot of tough times in pounds. They simply replace plant-based powder to provide
that I grew up on in Brazil. my life I choose to be positive one or two meals a day with variety. Some people will
It contained Acai, Acerola, and that inspires others.” her protein powder, then add extra fruit or vegetables,
Camu Camu, Mangosteen, like spinach, kale, or berries
Blackberry, Broccoli Sprout, and with the added fiber it is
Kale, Elderberry, Raspber- going to keep you fuller longer
ry, Blackcurrant, Green Tea, because more fiber will fill
Sweet Cherry, a Blend of Pea, you up. Check out her site at
Brown Rice, Mung Bean, and
Fava Bean, just to name some for some delicious recipes and
of the wonderful ingredients. I more to come as she experi-
was sold on this combination ments with different additions
because I knew not only from to her product.
a health perspective, but from Glace is working on bring-
my own personal experience ing her product to potential
that the contents were excel- clients globally. “This is one
lent. As a child I had lived on great advantage to selling my
many of these ingredients and product online, I can reach
relied on these fresh fruits and clients from all over the world
vegetables to keep me healthy. and do my part to bring a
I knew that this mix would healthy alternative to more
not only provide the effect my people. I love hearing from my
clients wanted from a plant- clients, and many share their
based protein, but it tasted recipes and share their success,
good and would keep them as well as suggestions for new
strong and healthy.” products they would like to
When some of her friends see in the future. When I had
and family heard about her my fitness studio one of the
new venture, they were a bit things I loved most was the
skeptical believing that the community that I had built,
market for protein powders and I want to do the same with
was saturated, but Glace this new product”
realized that although there I asked Glace to share
were many similar products some suggestions for those
out there, none were as high readers who are struggling
quality and effective as her to move forward after the
“Fierce and Fit for life” brand. setbacks of the past two years
“My choice was from my with COVID. “I think one
heart. I knew that nobody had crucial thing is to believe in
my dreams. Nobody had my yourself. You have to be your
goals. Nobody had my vision. own cheerleader. Don't try
Everybody is different, even to please others or look for
though we are selling the same approval from the outside. If
type of product, I knew it was you find something that you
the right move for me. I think want to pursue in your life
a lot of people struggle with you need to push forward and
what their purpose in life truly do it. If it is your dream just
is, but we all have a purpose go for it, and don’t look back
here in this world. Maybe we just look forward because that
don't know it yet, or maybe we is the only way you are going
haven't figured out, what that to end up where you belong.”
purpose is. I believe when we “My second suggestion
finally stumble upon it, there is Fierce and Fit for life has have a healthy meal along is don’t be afraid of failure
a different feeling. I think mine been a huge help to Glace’s with it and they are seeing because it is part of life, and
is my ability to motivate peo- clients to not only stay healthy, a significant weight loss in often we learn from failure and
ple, I believe that is my mis- but it has been a godsend to a short period of time. You end up in a better place. Start