Page 21 - San Diego Woman Glace Ziperovich Cover
P. 21

with getting the Club going for the next                                 in so well in her current position. When
        34 years.                                                                Cyndi’s father sold the club to LA Fit-
           The epitome of the word “Suc-                                         ness it was time for her to venture into a
        cessful,” Ted Vallas is known as one of                                  new career. She went the retail route and
        Southern California’s most successful                                    worked for a fine jewelry store in South
        entrepreneurs. He started his career in                                  Coast Plaza, and then for Louis Vuitton.
        the U.S. Navy during World War II. In  Photo by Dawn Nicoli/ Nicoli Productions  In this position, Cyndi did a lot of travel
        just four years he attained the rank of                                  both for the job and commuting to the
        Chief Petty Officer at the age of just 23,                               job. Cyndi was raising her son on her
        the youngest to hold that rank during                                    own and at the time she lived in Fall-
        the war. Ted went on to college after the                                brook. Her two-hour each way commute
        war where he mastered all his athletic                                   to South Coast Plaza with her young
        endeavors. An accomplished athlete, he                                   son, Dane, was a nightmare, so when
        went out for, football, basketball, and                                  she came upon the ad for the position at
        baseball, coming close to a career in                                    El Camino Country Club as the Mem-
        Major League Baseball. After college Ted                                 bership Director, she knew it would be
        turned his attention to Business. He had   Cyndi Melfi, Membership Director of El   the best move for both her and her son.
        become a fan of Golf while in the Navy.   Camino Country Club.
        He would go on to develop many golf
        resorts throughout Southern California,   El Camino Country Club has grown
        as well as England, France, Portugal,   over the years, and I had the pleasure of
        Holland, and Morocco. It wasn’t the only   sitting down with Cyndi Melfi, Mem-
        club that’s creation can be credited to   bership Director of El Camino Country
        Ted. He was also responsible for Whis-  Club. As a relatively new member of the
        pering Palms Golf Resort and Olympic   club, I was thrilled to have the opportu-
        Hotel Resort and Spa. The Club had 80   nity to hear more about the club from a
        memberships when he purchased it and   long-time employee.
        he would continue to help it grow to his   Cyndi was born in New Jersey but
        vision.                             ended up on the West Coast before she
           After obtaining the club and nine-  even turned one. Her father worked
        hole golf course, Ted set out on the   in the computer industry and so they
        project of adding an additional 9 holes to   moved a lot. Cyndi ended up attending
        create the regulation 18-hole golf course.   13 schools before she started high school.
        He also doubled the size of the club-  Most of her time was spent in California
        house, planted over 1,000 trees around   with the majority in Menlo Park and
        the course, and revamped the original   Newport Beach.
        nine holes. He added to the tennis courts,   “I think moving around a lot helped
        completed the swimming pool, and ex-  to prepare me for this job. I was always
        panded and paved the parking facilities.   meeting new people and got pretty good
        When completed El Camino Country    at it with all the changing of schools from
        Club was the finest country club in North   the time I was little. You learn how to
        County, actually it was the only country   make quick friends because you don’t
        club in North County. Ted just passed   know how long you will be there until
        away last year at the age of 99 and eight   you have to pick up and leave again” I
        months but left a legacy for many genera-  must say that Cyndi is one of the nicest
        tions to enjoy.                     and friendliest women I have ever met.
           Following Ted’s time with the club   When she finished school, her dad
        it was Cobblestone Golf who owned the   decided he wanted to change careers and
        club for a few years and then American   he opened a Racquetball Club. Cyndi
        Golf Company took over. American Golf   and two of her three sisters worked at
        Company owned the club from the mid-  the club. “I was there for 14 years, and I
        80’s until December 2019. In December   ended up taking it over and running it
        2019, El Camino was sold to an indi-  when he retired.” Cyndi loved working
        vidual and American Golf remained as   at the club and was very familiar with
        the management company for a 5-year   club business and she loved it. So, it was
        renewable term.                     not that hard to understand how she fits

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