Page 23 - San Diego Woman Glace Ziperovich Cover
P. 23

Café for 13 years, until they decided to   Beverly Stavron is another one of our   get into a routine of going there twice a
        relocate. It was at that point that Gail   favorite servers. Beverly was the employ-  week. I felt better and soon built up the
        decided that it was time for a change. She   ee with the longest tenure at the club. “I   nerve to even try playing tennis. Well,
        came upon an advertisement for a server   started working here in 1995, so this is   not sure that is the right term. I attempt-
        at El Camino and was called in for an in-  my 27th year as a server here and I am   ed to hit the ball as it came toward me. A
        terview. She was surprised to see a former  still happy to come to work every day.”   funny thing started to happen, I actually
        customer of hers from Bobby’s and when   This is so evident whenever she waits on   started getting a little better at it and that
        she heard that she was interviewing she   you, she is so pleasant and it is obvious   made me want to do it more. There are
        went directly to Mike Vyncke, the Food   that she loves people.          two tennis pros at the club, so I was even
        and Beverage Director and told him that   One of the things that Beverly has   enticed to take a lesson and John Topper,
        he had to hire her, apparently her reputa-  loved over the years is seeing families   one of the two pros, suffered through it
        tion as a superb server preceded her.  grow here. “ I have seen several genera-  with me. Luckily, he is an extremely pa-
           When Gail’s husband suddenly     tions of families come through the doors.   tient man and managed to teach me the
        passed away, she was devastated and   I have watched these little kids coming   basics so I could get to the point where I
        knew she had to do something to occupy   with their parents, I have served at their   would be able to walk on the court with-
        herself, so she decided to go back to   birthday parties, worked their wedding   out breaking into a cold sweat.
        school to become a veterinary assistant.   showers, watched them walk down the
        Not being limited to morning work   aisle at their weddings, and served them
        hours, as she was at Bobby’s, gave her   at their baby showers.” Beverly admits
        more flexibility so she could work eve-  that the members are more like family
        nings while going to school. Gail com-  than customers. Though she now only
        pleted her training and began working   works part-time she holds her own with
        part-time for a local mobile veterinarian,   the young ladies who work alongside her.                      Photo Courtesy of Laura Condon-Eyler
        a job she truly loves. She has a love of   It is obvious that she loves what she does
        animals and enjoyed being around them.   and that the members all love her as well.
        She especially has a great love of cats and   “No one is pretentious here; they treat
        decided she needed some companion-  everyone with the same level of respect
        ship. Before she knew it, she was adding   and love!” I asked how much longer she
        more cats to her family and today lives   planned on working and she responded,
        happily with her 7 beautiful cats.   “As long as I can!”
           I asked Gail about El Camino Coun-   This definitely proves what a great
        try Club. I asked her to tell me honestly   club this is. I guess it is not just me who
        what she loved about her job and what   is so happy to have found this home away
        was not so great. Her response was,   from home.                         Laura Condon-Eyler
        “There are no negatives to my job at the   Aside from the social aspect of El
        club. I love everything about it. I partic-  Camino Country Club, there is probably   I have to report that I have now
        ularly love my co-workers. We all work   the main reason most people decide to   become a weekly player and am loving the
        together so well. Everyone looks out for   join a club. They want a place to play   game. I took some time to sit down with
        each other and are like family. I also love   golf, or tennis, or swim and work out   Head Tennis Pro Laura Condon-Eyler
        seeing the members. It is great getting to   among friends. I must admit I am not the   to ask her about her time at El Camino
        know everyone and it is so much nicer to   athletic type so although the pool and   Country Club and I found out some really
        work in a setting where the same people   gym were a great enticement, I wasn’t   interesting facts about her and the club.
        frequent the restaurant, and we really   sure how much of the athletic end of this   I must admit, being a tennis pro has to
        get to know all of them. I think one of   club would become my favorite place   be one of the coolest jobs. Sure, there are
        my co-workers said it best. When you   to embark upon. When our neighbor   some downsides, like players like me, and
        work in an environment like this your   suggested that we try playing tennis, a   the constant need for SPF 50 sunscreen
        customers are here to have fun. They will   nervous laugh erupted from my lips. I   to brave the San Diego sun, but all in all I
        come into the restaurant after they played   knew that the last time I played was in   think it is probably up there as one of the
        a game of golf or tennis. They are happy   college and even then, I wasn’t very good.   best professions. The title doesn’t come
        and doing what they love so we are met   My interests never leaned towards sports.   easy though. Most pros have been on the
        every day by happy smiling members.”  I would watch them but play them….no   professional tennis circuit and spent most
           The consistent theme continues on   not for me. I tried golf before but found   of their lives working long grueling hours
        and as a member, I can tell you they are   the best part of my golf game was driving   to stay competitive and remain on the
        not exaggerating or saying what they   the golf cart, and if I am honest, I wasn’t   circuit.
        think their employer wants to hear…they   even very good at that.           Since I had never had the pleasure to
        mean it. Many people may find it hard to   I realized that working out in the   interview a tennis pro, I was excited to sit
        believe but they simply love their job.  gym would be my first step and I did   down with Laura. “I come from a tennis

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