Page 28 - San Diego Woman Glace Ziperovich Cover
P. 28
In a Health Crisis, You Come First.
But What About the Kids?
by Lorena Junco Margain
“In sickness and in often for more than a
health” are five short but decade. Thirteen years
powerful words we all ago, I began experienc-
know well. While few ing symptoms that I later
people enter a lifelong learned were due to a
relationship anticipating tumor on my right adrenal
sickness or health strug- gland. The symptoms
gles, as adults we under- themselves, including diz-
stand the implications and ziness and lethargy, were
make the conscious choice a health crisis. But the
to accept them. crisis amplified when the
Fast forward to a time surgeon treating me made
when we have children. A a grave mistake: instead of
health crisis will inevitably removing my right adrenal
affect them, too. Yet most gland, he removed the left
often, it’s not something adrenal gland. This error
they’ve even imagined left me with a lifetime
until the crisis hits. This of medical issues I must
leaves parents in an awk- confront every single day.
ward position: we have to Although ultimately, a sec-
share difficult news that’s ond surgery removing part
hard for kids to process of my remaining adrenal
and help them understand gland saved my life, I now
what’s happening—all live with only one-half of
the while continuing to one adrenal gland. There
nurture them and remain are days and often weeks
mindful of their needs and when I am excessively fa-
mindset as kids. tigued. I am often plagued
This would be a lot in with extreme fatigue, pain,
ordinary times, but when depression, and confusion.
we’re in the midst of the My children were
crisis ourselves, the chal- young when this journey
lenges multiply. How do began: my youngest—my
we care for our children, son—was an infant, and
emotionally and physical- my daughters were tod-
ly, when our top priority dlers. My ongoing health
must be to care for our- issues have been part of
selves? How can we talk their lives for as long as
to them without scaring they can remember. Here’s
them and keep them close what I’ve learned over the
while maintaining a safe years about living with
and necessary distance? them, supporting them,
These are questions I and loving them against
have had to contemplate this backdrop: