Page 25 - San Diego Woman Glace Ziperovich Cover
P. 25
on Sunday afternoon sitting at a big table
with a bunch of family, and this made me
Karen had experienced heartbreak
in her life when she lost her younger son
Rory Graham Jr. at the tender age of 23.
He was a student at the Army and Navy
Academy in Carlsbad. “He was an exem-
plary student and a fine cadet who would
be a role model to other students there.
When he passed Karen was asked by the
academy to start a foundation to inspire
other African American young men in the
community. Since he was such a wonder-
ful example of a cadet.” Karen started a Photos Courtesy of Laura Condon-Eyler
501 C 3 and continues to raise money to
help other young men in the community is tremendous because they understand Lush stands of towering eucalyptus and
in memory of her son. that because of his limitations he has a Monterey pines frame undulating Ki-
Karen came to El Camino Real as particular menu that he must follow for kuyu fairways, Bermuda tees, and man-
a result of a baby shower that she was his medications. So, they fix his mashed icured greens, in perfect balance with
throwing for her daughter, Laura Wil- potatoes, chicken tenders and corn, every nature. The course features deep roughs,
liams, who is a renowned actress and time he walks in the door. For this reason more than 60 well-placed bunkers, and
singer. Laura provided the singing voice alone, I don’t mind paying the dues be- scattered lakes that create both strategic
for cub Nala in Disney’s Lion King song cause they cater to my son so much every diversity and a picturesque backdrop
“I Just Can’t Wait to be King” alongside week. for golf. The Club has hosted numerous
Jason Weaver and Rowan Atkinson. She Not only is Karen a wonderful lady, prestigious golf events including several
also had recurring roles on the series but she has a heart of gold volunteering PGA & LGPA Qualifiers & the Southern
Amen and made guest appearances on around the community in so many dif- California Senior PGA Championship. I
several shows including Jake and the ferent areas. She also has a podcast called can personally tell you that every week
Fatman and Sinbad, not to mention “Ask Mama G” and trust me after spending the restaurant is chock full of happy
appearances in numerous national some time, not only do I feel as if I have golfers who are regulars. If you know
commercials. “When your daughter is a known her for years, but the wisdom that anything about golfers, you know that
celebrity, you often get special treatment comes from this woman’s mouth has made they have their favorite courses which
and I thought that is what I was getting, me a regular listener to everything she has they return to often. My guess is that El
but then one of the staff suggested that I to say. ‘Ask mama G’ podcast can be found Camino provides an outstanding golfing
should join, “ I said really? I can join and on youtube on Sunday night at 7:00pm. experience.
become a member here?” That was ten (email to If you have a big event coming up El
years ago, and she has happily remained find out more about her podcast.) Camino Country Club is a great venue
a member here admitting that she often Karen is just one of the wonderful to consider. They do amazing weddings,
pays her membership fees before she members of El Camino Country Club and showers, birthday celebrations, and busi-
pays her credit cards, since she loves it so someone I feel very fortunate to have met. ness meetings, just to name a few.
much. I would not, had I not joined this wonder- If you are looking for a great local
“My older son Alfred had grand mal ful Club. club, filled with great events, fun enter-
seizures when he was a toddler and it left There are, of course, many people tainment, and specialty meals, you have
him with some disabilities, but he has a who I don’t have space to include, less this found the place. I now call it my second
perfect memory and is musically gifted. article run the full length of our publica- home and I know you will too.
He plays the piano and drums and is now tion. They all deserve recognition for the
teaching himself to play the guitar. He amazing job they do every day.
likes to get dressed up and go to church Because I don’t golf, I have little El Camino Country Club
playing the drums at different church- knowledge of this part of the club, but it 3202 Vista Way, Oceanside, CA 92056
es around the area. Then every Sunday holds the largest portion of the member-
after church, since I’ve been a member, ship. I do know that the golf course is For Membership Information
we have our Sunday dinner here. Alfred on 115 spectacular acres and is a par 72, please contact:
loves it here too. All the servers give him 6,840-yard championship layout. It was Cyndi Melfi, Membership Director
a hug or high-five him. They say ‘Wel- designed by noted golf course architect 760-757-2100 ext. 117
come Mr. Alfred’ when he comes into the William H. Johnson in the old style, Email:
dining room, and he lights up. The staff leaving the terrain completely natural.