Page 30 - San Diego Woman Glace Ziperovich Cover
P. 30

’m sure you’ve noticed                                                         ingly good, but they give me
           that there have been some                                                      gas. I enjoy a nice plate of liver
       Iungodly hot days during                                                           and onions once in a while, but
        the last several weeks. Well,                                                     she tells me it makes me smell
        of course, you have. Recently                                                     musky. That’s a polite way of
        it hit over 100 degrees at my                                                     telling me I smell like old tuna
        house. So, with all this heat                                                     and onions. The one food that I
        comes the inevitable sweating.                                                    have to admit probably makes
           I was shopping in a local                                                      me smell a little gross is Geor-
        hardware store last week,                                                         gia Swamp Sausage and Grits.
        which I visit frequently, when                                                    On the other hand, Spam
        one of the staff mentioned that              No                                   makes me smell the same way.
        I should write an article about                                                   I have found that the three
        body odor and older people.                                                       foods that I plan on never
        She knows that I sometimes                                                        eating again are Haggis, Tripe,
        write articles for various            Sweat                                       and Rocky Mountain Oysters.
        publications. It seemed like a                                                    Of course, if you have any odd
        good idea until I got home and                                                    smells emanating from your
        realized she may have been                                                        body, you may want to talk
        referring to me. It certainly is          By C. F. Illingworth                    to your doctor. I did and he
        possible. So, I decided to check                                                  verified that I do have an odd
        out some fascinating informa-                                                     odorous scent about me. How
        tion about sweating and body                                                      would you like to have your
        odor.                                                                             doctor tell you that?
           Have you noticed that                                                             I was particularly curi-
        some people seem to sweat                                                         ous about statistics having
        more than others? I have, and                                                     to do with odors coming
        so I decided to seek out some                                                     from “Old People”. The Mayo
        of the reasons why. One of the                                                    Clinic conducted a study of
        first facts I found out was that                                                  older women who described
        your body has between two                                                         a situation where their head,
        to four million sweat glands.                                                     scalp, and the rest of their body
        That’s a lot of glands. Their                                                     parts were soaking wet just 30
        purpose is to maintain a nor-                                                     minutes after they get out of
        mal body temperature and cool                                                     the shower. They found that
        you down when your body ex-  body starts to change, roughly   America suffer heavy sweating   some of these conditions may
        periences above-average tem-  3 million sweat glands become   under their arms. No kidding.    be caused by medications or
        peratures by producing sweat.   more, let’s say enthusiastic, par-  Did you know that there   anxiety. No, I’m not picking on
        Not everyone sweats in quarts   ticularly in the armpits, palms,   are different types of body   women. There are lots of guys
        like me, and each person can   and soles of their feet. Excessive  odors? Body odor can be a sign  that have the same problem,
        have a different threshold   and uncontrollable sweating   of more than simply forgetting   and possibly worse. They also
        before they sweat. Men tend   can cause embarrassment,   to swipe on deodorant. You   found that some older people’s
        to sweat more than women,   isolation, and even anxiety or   may have a disorder called   body odors actually smelled
        and part of what decides how   depression in some teens. Now,   Trimethylaminuria, now that’s   on the mild side. If you can
        much we sweat is recorded   that is NOT what a teenager   a mouth full. This odor is akin   believe that! However, if you
        in our DNA. Fat keeps heat   needs, especially when they   to a fishy smell; and no, you   talk to some young people,
        in the body, so people who   are trying to cope with other   can’t cover it up with some tar-  they will say that old geezers
        are overweight tend to sweat   social challenges. We need to   tar sauce or a white wine sauce.  smell like Ben Gay or a flowery
        more than thinner people. I   give them a little slack when it   Your body could also smell   gasoline. One could say that’s
        can identify with that problem   comes to BO.         a little bitter, which may be   obviously a cover-up.
        since I’m not a member of the   Some men in their 20s and   caused by digestive problems.   After writing this article,
        lean squad.                30s tend to experience heavy   Another unpleasant body   I’ve decided to douse myself
           If you have teenagers   sweating due to a variety of   odor that’s caused by a diges-  with my new Dollar Store
        living in your house, you may   reasons. They may experience   tive problem is a rotten egg   cologne and make my way back
        have noticed that they seem to   anxiety or work-related stress.   odor. My wife has told me that   to the hardware store and talk
        sweat profusely. It seems that   The most common manifesta-  I smell odd after eating BBQ   to the individual who suggested
        when they reach puberty, their   tion of sweat is in the armpits.   lamb testicles. She buys them   this article. I only hope I can
        sweat glands go into a state of   One study by the Mayo Clinic   for 49 cents a pound, which is   make a good BO impression on
        frantic activity. As a teenager's   found that 51% of men in   a good deal. They taste surpris-  that person. Wish me luck.

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