Page 31 - San Diego Woman Glace Ziperovich Cover
P. 31


          Father Time                                    The Doll Hospital

                  ©2018 by Ava Lepor                                      ©2018 by Ava Lepor
                  From Silver Linings                                      from Silver Linings

           Yesterday, my mother placed my father    “Now, remember! Don’t you dare   we’d smooth out all the wrinkles in every
        into a home for the elderly. His dementia had   touch my dolls while I’m gone!” My eight-  bonnet, blouse, stocking, and pinafore.
        been worsening. He had wandered away from   year-old sister, over four years my senior,   When it came to rehabilitating the dolls,
        home with increasing frequency, not knowing   would thus admonish me before leaving   my  otherwise  laid-back  dad  was  a  per-
        where he was going. Not sure where he had   for school. She was lovely, sweet, and,   fectionist. I must admit, I, too, was proud
        come from. The police had responded to a call   from my perspective, a little too well-be-  of my efforts in our makeshift surgery
        from a distraught couple in the wee hours. An   haved. Yet at one point at the age of four, I   center.
        old man, laden with mail, was knocking at their   went through a phase when I would turn   Now, my sister believed we would
        door. The addresses on the envelopes were all   her into a nervous wreck. I just couldn’t   actually take her babes to a real doll hos-
        the  same. The  police  had  brought  my  father   wait till nobody was looking and I could   pital—a facility, I guess, she felt no com-
        home, awakening my mother at five o’clock in   get my hands on Terri Lee or some other   munity should be without. This is why we
        the morning. She had been upset, unable to   doll she fretted over and adored.  insisted on performing our medical mira-
        get back to sleep, fearful. He had promptly for-  Whereas my sister would dress up her   cles in secret.
        gotten about the entire incident, had relaxed,   dolls in pretty pinafores and regale them   When Daddy and I would present my
        and gone to bed.                          with tea parties, I would pop them limb   sister with her freshly rehabilitated dolls,
           My mother would lie awake, fretting, wor-  from limb, pull off their wigs, and remove   her face would light up.  Their nightly
        rying, and examining her options. My father,   their bonnets and pinafores. By the time   homecoming was heartening—even for
        awake or dreaming, was living his own reality.   my sister would come home, her darlings   me.
        A separate reality. In the tangled web of his   would be in shambles.         I saw dolls as toys to be manipulated,
        mind, he was once again a youth in his moth-  “Look what you did to Terri Lee! Look   but I never regarded living creatures that
        er’s home. Or maybe his eldest sister’s home. He   at Sally Anne!” she’d scream. “I told you to   way. Though I was a highly imaginative
        could be forty or thirty or eighteen. He would   LEAVE THEM ALONE!”        child, I reserved my compassion for pets,
        fret that he must get home to his mother, who   Now, I really wasn’t a heartless mon-  not plastic. In fact, I was the one, at age
        surely was anxiously awaiting his return.  ster. I truly felt sorry for my distraught   three, who let our pet parakeets out of
           My mother, after much mental anguish, re-  big sister. But I didn’t care a bit about the   the cage, encouraging them to seek their
        moved her husband of nearly fifty years from   dolls. I was just a normal little girl who   freedom in the great outdoors.  Which,
        their home. To protect him. And to protect her-  saw dolls the way my sons have regard-  naturally, they did.  When I was four, I
        self from the emotional torment that would   ed Lego bricks—great for popping apart,   opened the backyard gate, letting our
        attack her peace of mind like a tenacious tres-  popping together, and making all sorts   antique desert tortoise out to explore the
        passer.                                   of novel creations. And I was really bent   neighborhood and the vast field beyond.
           My father is now a resident of a home for   on playing with them, ahem, creatively.  He must have had such a good time,
        those for whom time stands still. For people   “Wait till Daddy comes home,” I’d re-  that he decided never to come home. I
        with a perplexing present that is all but con-  assure her. “We’ll take them to the doll   missed him long after, but I valued liberty
        sumed by the past. As the young live much of   hospital.”                  and freedom for all living creatures.
        the present in preparation for the future, the   Sure enough, this would placate her.   When we relate to small children, we
        very old typically live much of the present in an   And, like clockwork, when Dad would   would do them and ourselves a favor by
        ever-present nostalgia. For my father, it is much   come home, she’d greet him with her   recognizing that a little child’s mind is not
        more than nostalgia. It is his reality.   pitiful  dolls,  which were in desperate   that of an adult; mischief is most often a
           And I am left to wonder at life. At how we   need of emergency surgery.  useful learning tool. Certainly, we should
        all reach milestones, sometimes when we least   Of course, Dad knew I was the culprit.   never allow a child to endanger himself
        expect them. My eight-year-old son  is sud-  He was the great hero of my childhood,   or others. But other than that, let’s appre-
        denly becoming a real swimmer. My sixteen-  the  one  who  understood  me  and  my   ciate mischief for the good it does, and
        year-old is driving. And my father, who in my   quirks. He would invite me, with a private   for the normal part of development, it is,
        childhood was by far the strongest, smartest,   wink, to help bring the ailing dolls to the   nourishing children emotionally, mental-
        most fabulous man who ever walked the face   doll hospital. I would readily agree.  ly, and physically.
        of the earth, is quietly experiencing his own   Then, Daddy and I would carry   After all, children, unlike perfect little
        milestone, not even knowing it.           the miserable heap of dolls into his   dolls, need the freedom to be children,
           Yet I know it. The sound of his gentle voice   bedroom, lock the door, and start our   facilitating their growth into happy,
        on the telephone reminds me from where    doll-saving surgeries. We’d pop the arms   healthy adults.
        I have drawn my strength since my earliest   back into the armholes and the legs into
        memory. I  know, deep in my heart,  that the   the leg holes. We’d put the wigs back on
        source of that strength is not bound by time.  and brush them until they shone. And
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