Page 17 - San Diego Woman Glace Ziperovich Cover
P. 17
Women of Distinction
an exceptional fitness studio business, but she was going Glace was familiar with became a consultant for this
experience for her clients. The through a divorce as well. Protein powders from her brand.
end result was the opening of Glace was forced to dig training and certifications as “One day I had this aha
Studio 40, her fitness studio deep inside and remain as a fitness professional, but she moment. I was like, wait a
in Poway. “One of my driving upbeat as possible. “Sure, there had a hard time finding one minute. Why am I selling
forces was a result of where I were days when I felt horrible, that worked for her. Either somebody else’s dream. I
was born and raised. Brazil is a I didn’t even want to get out of they gave her digestive issues, should be making my own
culture driven by body image. bed, but I knew that I wouldn’t or they simply tasted bad. She product. I found this lab
I know first-hand the pres- make it through if I continued knew that if the product was in Georgia, as I wanted the
sures that women face on a
day-to-day basis surrounding
their body.” With the expecta-
tion to obtain the perfect body
placed on their shoulders at a
very young age. Glace wanted
to remind women that the
perfect body doesn't exist. “I
wanted to raise the self-esteem
of women by creating a com-
munity of strong women." The
course she took was to fuse
three key elements of Pilates,
with high intensity mixed with
low impact workouts which
did not discriminate against
age, physical ability, or state of
health. So, everyone regardless
of age or physical ability could
join in at Studio 40. She built
a community of strong fierce
women who left her studio
feeling good about themselves.
In 2019 Glace opened her
studio and the growth was
amazing. Then, unfortunately,
16 months later COVID hit,
and her studio was shut down. on this path, so I focused on to become popular it had to product to be made in the
This was devastating to Glace what I could do to get out of have the desired effects. It had USA, and I started working
and her clients who had come this hole and climb out fierce to taste good, not cause any with them to develop my new
to find Studio 40 as their oasis and fit after these setbacks. digestive issues, and perform product. Even though some
for not only better physical Every day I told myself that I as it was advertised. So, it protein manufacturers import-
health, but mental health as was going to get through this. took her some time to find the ed specialty items from other
well. “It was a real community I started being positive and right mix to be a product that countries, I wanted to be sure
of women, and some men, that helped a lot. Glace would feel good about my product was safe and from
who showed up religiously and It was at this point that providing to both past clients a lab with strict guidelines that
left much happier than they Glace decided to remain in and new ones. met US standards.”
were when they arrived.” the fitness arena with a new “When I started my “We worked for over
Glace tried her best to product called, you guessed fitness journey, I learned how a year to get all the perfect
remain in business, fierce even it “Fierce and Fit for life” and important protein intake was ingredients. I wanted a clean
in this respect. “I didn’t want to her products are Plant-Based especially for women as we protein that can only be
close. I had no choice because I Protein Powders. Even when age. However, I could not find obtained with a protein that
did not get the loans to remain she decided to move to this anything on the market. The comes from nature. It is a
open, the attorneys advised area of health and fitness, she taste was not good, and some mix of fruits and vegetables
me to shut the studio down to researched her options for powders caused me bloating with no chemicals added.
avoid bankruptcy.” This was over a year before she found and digestion issues. Then I When they sent the prod-
a tough time for Glace. Not the ideal combination to make found one that was very good. uct to me with a breakdown
only did she shut down her the ideal product. It was plant-based and so I of all the ingredients I was