Page 11 - San Diego Woman Glace Ziperovich Cover
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Women of Distinction

        working on his master's degree, Kimy was a  sure that everything I claimed was accurate.”   opportunity to eat oatmeal in a fun way it is
        dedicated student who majored in Doatnuts.   Kimy wanted to be certain that when  a win-win situation. Oatmeal is a food I was
        and all the terminology associated with being  someone ate her Doatnuts they knew exact-  never able to get my children to eat, now they
        a ‘professional’ baker.             ly what they were eating. “One of the big-  look forward to it.
           “I put my mind and soul into figuring it  gest discouragements of my journey to lose    “This has been the most rewarding jour-
        all out. I fought through lots of tears and set-  weight was not enjoying what I was eating.”  ney that I have ever been on. I started my In-
        backs, but within a couple of weeks, I got it all   Kimy’s Doatnuts are not only lower in cal-  stagram ‘Kimy Gets Skinny’ because I was on
        done. I did all the things that they asked, and I  ories at 90 calories, but 90% of the calories  a journey to lose some pounds and help my
        became an approved vendor. Now I sell from  come from healthy foods like oatmeal and  husband lose pounds. And I did lose some.
        here to Florida, to San Jose, and just about ev-  sweet potatoes. “Regular donuts have over  But I think that what I found along the way is
        ery location within their franchise.”   three times the calories, and they are empty  what made the journey even more incredible.
           Once the product was out there and peo-  calories. there's no saturated fat or trans fat, in  I'm 40, and this experience has made me re-
        ple started tasting Kimy’s amazing Doatnuts,  our Doatnuts. They are just a healthy take on  alize that dreams can come true at any age. It
        which I might add only have 90 calories, in  Donuts.”                    has been so empowering for my daughter to
        comparison to a normal donut, which weighs   “I'm Hispanic, and we do everything  see that a mom of five can be an entrepreneur
        in at close to 300 calories, their popularity  around  food.  We celebrate  around food.  If
        soared.                             someone gets married or has a baby, it is cel-
           We have all seen and tried healthy baked  ebrated around food. When you take the joy
        goods and the difference is that we know  out of food, by having bland, really unappeal-
        what we are eating is healthy and don’t ex-  ing food, it just takes the joy out of life. This
        pect it to taste good. We actually get nervous  is why my slogan is “Healthy Never Tasted So
        when a food deemed healthy tastes good, we  Guilty,” because you're eating this Doatnut
        question its claims of low calories or less fat  and you question if it truly is healthy because
        and sugar.                          you feel so guilty eating it. That is the best
           Not only are Kimy’s Doatnuts delicious,  thing in the world. I get people who message
        but every ingredient is healthy. They consist of  me on Instagram and tell me that they are fi-
        steel-cut oatmeal, egg whites, jewel red sweet  nally happy while dieting.”
        potatoes, and monk fruit imported from Asia.   “It has been an incredible journey. Right
        The sweet potato provides a healthy fat, and  now, when I go to a location with my Doat-
        the monk fruit is responsible for the sweet-  nuts, I can sell a hundred boxes in less than an
        ness. The frostings are from the same basic  hour.” This is what led Kimy to make her next
        ingredients along with zero-calorie flavored  move, a retail location just a few miles from
        sweeteners.                         her home in the Trader Joe’s shopping center
           Kimy wanted to ensure that her Doatnuts  in Oceanside. “I’m so excited. It has been so
        were everything she claimed them to be, “I  much fun setting up my cute little pink Do-
        drove down to NutriData in Laguna Beach,  anut shop. I think the excitement is that no
        and I had my Doatnuts lab tested. They were  matter what age you are, or no matter what
        tested for the accuracy of calories, fats, and  shape you are, we all want to live healthy lives.
        moisture, and for a determination of shelf life.  We all want to live long for our families, for
        They basically dissected my Doatnuts to be  our kids. And you know, when you have the

                                                                                 and  that  with  hard  work,  your  dreams  can
                                                                                 come true at any age. I think that has been
                                                                                 the gift of a lifetime to me. I'm just so excited
                                                                                 for what's happened and for what is to come.”
                                                                                   Kimy opened her cute little pink Doatnut
                                                                                 shop on Saturday June 11th with a grand
                                                                                 opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony. For
                                                                                 more  information  visit
                                                                                 for more details or to order online.

                                                                                   Kimy Gets Skinny
                                                                                   (In the Trader Joe’s Shopping Center)
                                                                                   2530 W. Vista Way, Suite F
                                                                                   Oceanside, California
                                                                                   Store Hours:
                                                                                   Monday - Thursday 8AM - 6PM
                                                                                   Friday & Saturday 7AM- Noon
                                                                                   Closed Sunday
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