Page 36 - Power Women Issue
P. 36

Power Women

                                              Danielle Humphries

                                               TREATING CLIENTS LIKE FAMILY

                                                                     By Judith A. Habert

                                                              Photos By Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions

                                            that aspect of her father’s practice. “One   ing forward to beginning a family, they
                                            of my dad’s clients had no family so we   decided to make the move back to San
                                            would go over to her house at Christmas   Diego to be closer to Danielle’s family.
                                            and bring her home-baked cookies from   Fast forward to her current position
                                            Mom’s kitchen. We helped her with gar-  with Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP, where
                                            dening and ran errands for her. My dad   Danielle is a partner and Chair of the
                                            just really cared about his clients.”  Firm’s Trusts and Estates Practice in San
                                                In college, Danielle sought oppor-  Diego. Danielle joined Hahn Loeser five
                                            tunities to work with other types of law   years ago and launched the Firm’s Trusts
                                            firms, wanting to be certain that trust and   and Estates Practice. As a full-service law
                                            estate planning law was truly her passion.   firm representing clients from offices in
                                            Ironically, the first law firm she would   San Diego, Cleveland, Columbus, Naples,
                                            work for outside of her dad’s would be   Fort Myers, and Chicago, Hahn Loeser
                                            another estate planning firm.        has approximately 120 attorneys and
                                                 “While attending college, I was hired   has proudly served clients for nearly 100
                                            by a female estate planning attorney in   years. “Why Hahn Loeser? I was looking
                                            Dallas, Texas. On my very first day, I   for a firm that would provide a more ro-
                                            was asked to balance her checkbook and   bust platform for my practice. I knew how
                                            pick her child up from school. Initially,   I wanted to develop a trusts and estates
           There are certain characteristics   I helped her with these types of routine   practice and Hahn Loeser provided me
        thought to be shared by first-born chil-  tasks. By the end of college, I had earned   the opportunity to build it the way I envi-
        dren. They tend to be reliable, conscien-  her trust and become her right hand. I   sioned. I also was drawn to Hahn Loeser
        tious, structured, in control, and quite   sat in meetings with her with high-net-  because of their willingness to support my
        often, goal-oriented. Accustomed to adult   worth individuals and high-profile sports   community efforts.”
        company, they sometimes act like mini-  figures. “I found I was challenged by the   What Danielle loves most about her
        adults, are not afraid of accepting respon-  complexity of their estates and enjoyed   practice is the ability to help each of her
        sibility, and often strive to be the best at   the challenges. It was very intellectually   clients in whatever manner they require.
        everything they do.                 stimulating. The combination of my ex-  “No two clients have the same needs
           After spending time with Danielle   perience with my dad followed by my ex-  and that is part of what I love about my
        Humphries, it was obvious that she   perience in this first position truly shaped   job. I review all of my clients’ needs and
        possesses these characteristics. During   what I wanted to do with my career.”  devise a strategy that will provide the best
        our interview, she revealed that she was   After law school in San Diego, Dan-  possible outcome. If a client is involved
        the oldest of seven children. I instantly   ielle was lured back to Dallas to practice   in a real estate transaction, for example,
        understood her better.              with the firm that she had worked for   I am immersed in the deal, coordinating
           Born in the small town of Upland,   initially. Danielle knew it was a great   advice and services across real estate,
        California the daughter of a teacher and   opportunity and was determined to find   tax, business, and estate planning issues
        a lawyer, Danielle was just five years old   a way to make it work. “It was rough. I   and needs. If I have a client who was
        when she started working in her father’s   was finishing up law school when I got   left a large sum of money, I view it as
        estate planning practice. She may have   the Dallas job offer. My husband still had   my responsibility to be certain that they
        started out shredding papers, but her   a year to go on his MBA in San Diego. We   are not preyed upon, due to their new
        responsibilities would grow as she con-  got married, I graduated, and like a lot of   circumstances. If a client is called upon to
        tinued working for her dad’s law practice   two-career couples we decided that being   be a trustee, I will guide them through the
        throughout her school years.        apart for a year was the only way for both   process. Overnight, individuals can end
           Danielle’s dad wasn’t your typical   of us to excel in our careers, so I went to   up in the position of being asked to be a
        estate planning attorney. He was there to   Dallas while he finished up in San Diego.”   trustee and to manage millions of dollars
        take care of his clients and Danielle loved   A few years later when they started look-  of wealth, when maybe they had not

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