Page 41 - Power Women Issue
P. 41

Power Women

        hard to find these days. The core values   gest challenges when it comes to cyberse-  “There are more women graduating
        it was founded on over 20 years ago are   curity is how to prioritize efforts, because   with STEM degrees than ever before,
        still a very real part of how the company   all aspects are important and you can end   but unfortunately many end up chang-
        operates today.”                    up spending a lot of money and time, but   ing fields after a short amount of time,”
           Her first role at Burwood was to lead   still be at risk,” Joanna explains. “We help   Joanna says. “Many times this is due to
        its western region, which at the time was   customers prioritize their technology   the peer dynamics women face having
        an up-and-coming market for the compa-  investments and identify their biggest   to work in environments that are not
        ny. She spent the next two years opening   risk areas. We also help them understand   diverse. My first piece of advice is to think
        two new offices.                    cloud-based services and help them make   big and stick with it because the opportu-
                                            the right choices for their organizations.”   nities are unbelievable for smart, capable
        Helping customers solve complex IT                                       women in this industry.”
        problems                            Caring for the community                 “Be fearless. Fear often prevents peo-
                                                                                 ple from doing a lot of things in life, but
        Joanna quickly made her mark and today   Joanna lives with her husband, a police
        oversees Burwood Group’s technology   officer, whom she has been with for 16
        practices, professional services, sales, and   years and shares a passion for giving back
        technical architecture teams. Joanna also   to the community. The two run a basket-
        works closely with Burwood’s strategic   ball ministry at their church in Orange
        technology partners and plays a key role   County on Saturdays.
        in the firm’s marketing functions.      “We enjoy bringing people together
           “Our goal at Burwood is to help IT   and forming a kind of fellowship through
        leaders design, use, and manage technol-  sports. It combines two big areas of pas-
        ogy to transform their businesses,” she   sion for us.”
        says. “Whether our customers are devel-  At Burwood, she also spearheads vol-
        oping strategy, deploying technology, or   unteer initiatives with Project Linus, the
        creating an operational model, Burwood   Boys and Girls Club of San Diego, local
        is a dedicated and trusted partner.”   food banks, and more.
           Joanna has shaped Burwood’s key      “We had the privilege of adopting
        technology pillars in areas such as collab-  a couple of families over the holiday
        oration, cloud and automation, network-  through the Boys and Girls Club, which
        ing, and cybersecurity–all pressing topics   was such an amazing experience.” says
        in the tech industry.               Joanna.
           For instance, to help customers stay
        ahead of cybersecurity threats, the firm   Empowering the next generation
        advises customers on compliance and
        governance, guiding them through the   My parting question for Joanna was
        process of applying the top 20 security   what advice she would give to women
        controls to protect their businesses.  considering a career in IT–a notoriously
           “For our customers, one of the big-  male-dominated industry.

                                                                                 the quicker you remove fear from your
                                                                                 thought process, the more you’ll be able
                                                                                 to take those risks.”
                                                                                     Joanna certainly embodies her
                                                                                 own words of advice. In addition to her
                                                                                 impressive knowledge and capabilities,
                                                                                 she is a truly wonderful woman and the
                                                                                 epitome of what it means to be a POWER
                                                                                 WOMAN in today’s world. Thank you
                                                                                 Joanna for all you do!
                                                                                     Joanna can be contacted via email at
                                                                        or visit their
                                                                                 website at

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