Page 46 - Power Women Issue
P. 46
Power Women
Rawsome Delights
Photos courtesy of Barbara Zeiss
early age and became mom’s ference in the health wellness
assistant in the kitchen. “I and happiness of Californians.
started cooking family dinners This was the beginning of
when I was 8. I changed Rawsome Delights. “I wanted
schools during high school to people to have an opportunity
attend a school where they to eat dessert without feeling
taught us about the chemis- guilty or experiencing any of
try of nutrition, which I loved the side effects of eating food
learning about.” that’s high in sugar or highly
When Barbara was 17 processed.
she started working out on a Rawsome Delights prod-
regular basis and right after ucts are available at a growing
graduating she became a list of retailers in San Diego.
When you are a young Health Coach and started healthy items. When I tried a They also have an E-Commerce
child growing up the highlight working in the fitness industry. Cashew Cheesecake for the store on their website where
of every meal is that luscious “That’s when I really started first time I was immediately people can buy Smart Snacks
dessert that you are promised hooked. It was light, sweet, so and Truffles (nationwide deliv-
if you are good and eat all of delicious and easily digestible. ery is available) as well as Cakes
your vegetables. As we grow A dessert that tasted amazing, (currently only available for
up we know that those sugary but had really clean ingredi- pick-up in San Diego).
desserts must stop even if we ents. I realized that I could now Rawsome Delights is
do eat all of our veggies. So eat dessert without all the currently working on shipping
we restrict our dessert intake negative side effects. I started methods for individual serving
to only very special events, experimenting with recipes at cheesecakes and this option
our birthday, maybe a holiday home and served the treats to will soon be available, so cus-
party or our anniversary cele- my friends at every possible tomers who reside outside of
bration. Thanks to Rawsome occasion. People were always San Diego can have access to
Delights we can now enjoy a amazed at how good they tast- their delicious products.
slice of yummy cake or a Choc- ed when they heard that they Visit Rawsome Delights
olate-Hazelnut Truffle without watching what I was eating were plant-based and made online at RawsomeDelights.
the guilt or sick feeling of a to ensure I was nourishing my from healthy ingredients.” com or contact Barbara directly
sugar coma. body as best I could. Over the On moving to California at barbara@rawsomedelights.
Barbara Zeiss has always years I experimented with my Barbara was surprised that com. Or by phone at 267-495-
been a health conscious per- diet a lot and finally came to these type of desserts and 6516 for more information, or
son. Growing up in Germany, the conclusion that healthy eat- snacks that she had become to place a special order. Visit
as one of 3 daughters, Barbara ing is not really about dieting, proficient in, were not widely their site to find a list of the
was lucky enough to have a but a lifestyle choice. You have available in the states. Barbara local retailers who carry their
stay at home mom who loved to continuously do it to get the knew she had to make a dif- incredible desserts.
taking care of the family. “We benefits. I wasn’t really eating
used to have a garden with desserts on a regular basis,
fresh vegetables where most of because I didn’t like eating
our produce came from and my processed sugars and empty
mom made everything from calories as well as gluten and
scratch. She used to bake bread dairy.”
and make homemade sweets, It was when Barbara lived
she even made cheeses from In Australia that she learned
scratch. I didn’t really know of about the wonders of a plant-
the existence of fast food.” based diet. “This way of eating
Barbara developed an was widely popular over there
interest in cooking at a very and lots of cafes served these