Page 42 - Power Women Issue
P. 42

Power Women

           It is rare that we   as a very young lady and   and I learned that early   and ended up spending   Kelli to discuss working
        know immediately      set out to learn every-  in my career."    15 years working and   together again. We talk-
        what career path we   thing I could about it.”  Kelli took off a short   excelling in her relation-  ed, and he recruited me
        choose to take, but for   Kelli loved her job   time while pregnant and   ships and business.   to join HUB and created
        Kelli Yount, it happened  and knew she had   while her two daughters   Before too long   a position for which
        to be her very first   selected the right career   were young, and then   Kelli was working with   she could do what she
        job, right out of high   path. "It's easy to go to   moved to an insurance   commercial accounts   loved to do, which is
        school. Kelli grew up   work in the morning   firm in Vista. She wasn’t   some having upwards of   bring in good clients
        in Southern California,   when you love what   there long when Rancho   4,000 employees. Kelli   on both the business/
        and after graduat-    you are doing and are   Santa Fe insurance   knew that this was more   commercial side and
        ing high school, she   passionate about it." This   recruited her to work   than one person could   the personal/high net
        obtained a position as   passion has lead Kelli   with them. This is where   handle, so she brought a   worth side. Clients that
        a clerical assistant at a   on a journey to the top   she learned what it   team together, and they   really value good rela-
                                                   meant to work with    were extremely suc-   tionships with a broker
                                                   high net worth clients.   cessful with these large   that can bring quality
            Kelli Yount
                                                   "I love people, and I love   accounts.      insurance programs
                                                   sales, but perhaps most   “I was more of the   with very competitive
                                                   important is the fact that  quarterback of the   pricing. So, I was back in
                                                   I love to listen. Before I   business development   my dream job again, as
                                                   would provide any sug-  arena. I learned to go   Vice President, Business
                                                   gestions to my clients, I   into these really big   Development focusing
                                                   would first take the time   accounts, and quickly   on Private Client and
                                                   to get to know them and   assess what their needs   High Net Worth clients.
                                                   learn about their needs.   were, and pull togeth-  In this position, I meet a
                                                   I think that the ability   er the right people to   lot of really great people
                                                   to listen is the most im-  make sure their experi-  on the high net worth
                                                   portant element that an   ence was seamless. This   side and also handle
                                                   Insurance representative   was how I advanced my   commercial insurance.
                                                   can possess”          business development   I bring the resources
                                                      It was at this position   talents.”      that large clients in San
                                                   that Kelli learned how   Kelli remained with   Diego and all over the
                                                   important network-    this broker up until they   country require.
                                                   ing was to her career.   were sold to another   Out of curiosity, I had
                                                   “I learned to work in   firm at which point she   to ask Kelli what were
                                                   tandem with realtors,   took some time off to   some of the most un-
                                                   attorneys, mortgage   evaluate her options.   usual items upon which
                                                   companies and wealth   Several other co-work-  she was called to insure.
                                                   advisors. I began to   ers went over to HUB   "One of my big fun
                                                   build relationships and   International to grow   successes was a large fit-
                                                   became very good at   the Property/Casualty   ness equipment manu-
                                                   it.” In 1997 Kelli got a   division since they had   facturing company who
                                                   call from one of San   an established employ-  was paying over $2M in
        firm that handled per-  of her field. Kelli started   Diego’s largest brokers   ee benefits division.   premium a year for the
        sonal insurance lines.   in the administrative   with an offer that she   "Dan Kabban, who   liability and workers'
           “When people talk   area of insurance, but   couldn’t pass up! Kelli   was one of my former   compensation on the
        about insurance, they   through the mentoring   was thrilled to accept   colleagues, was leading   company. I offered to
        generally don't make it   gained from her first   running the sales of the   the property/casualty   do an audit to see if I
        sound fun or glamorous,   position in the insurance   High Net Worth division   department and I really   could recommend how
        but I've always made it   field, she decided she   of this large broker, and   admired his work at my   to save money with
        fun. When you consider   clearly wanted to move   she loved it. She was   prior brokerage. Dan   claims, loss control,
        that everyone needs in-  into the producing, busi-  always encouraged and   went over to HUB to   and different carrier
        surance, you realize that   ness development, and   mentored to grow by   create and cultivate an   approach. They let my
        it is an important part of   customer relations side   some of the leadership,   even better culture then   team in, and we saved
        life and I always knew I   of insurance." Building   and had an opportunity   the previous employer   them over $600,000 the
        was doing good by ed-  relationships with cli-  to move to the commer-  had back in the day.   first year. Then contin-
        ucating and protecting   ents and with insurance   cial side of the business.   Over the next couple of   ued until the company
        my clients. I engaged in   carriers are the key to   Being a lifelong learner,   years, he was successful   was sold. “ I have written
        the insurance industry   success for both sides,   Kelli thrived in this area   in doing that and called   insurance policies on

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