Page 43 - Power Women Issue
P. 43

Power Women

        everything from boats,   30 years, as a woman it   from Kelli that times   Athletes Foundation.   nia. After he lost his legs,
        planes, wine collections,   wasn’t always easy and   have changed and   I was extremely inter-  he was determined to
        jewelry, farms, and art   she had to prove herself   things are better in that   ested in learning more   continue participating
        collections. What is   in the early years. “At the   respect was great to   about this organization.   and living his life on his
        great is that often one   larger firm I joined in the   hear. “I don't feel that at   Kelli shared the follow-  terms. Now he rides with
        day is not like the next.   late '90s, I did get no-  all with Hub. There is no   ing. “What they do is   his arms only, last year
        I never know what I   ticed since I was the first   prejudice against wom-  help disabled individ-  he rode in the (RAM )
        will be called upon to   top female producer.   en, there is only support   uals participate in all   Race Across America
        insure each day, or who   You know, it took a lot.   for women here.”  types of sports. They will   with his arms only.”
        I will be working with.   I had to prove myself,   Kelli is a firm believer   help a disabled athlete   “Everybody com-
        I have had clients who   and I did, I would get   in referrals and was   obtain a wheelchair that   plains from time to
        are NFL players, boxers,   into the big accounts,   never afraid to ask cur-  will allow him to play   time, we get down or
        entertainers, and other   and we would write   rent clients for referrals.   basketball or running   depressed, but then you
        personalities. Surpris-                                          legs to run marathons   hear the many stories
        ingly many wealthy                                               or ride bikes. Insurances   of the participants, and
        individuals are underin-                                         plans don’t cover this   you suddenly realize
        sured or sometimes not                                           type of equipment,    how lucky you are and
        insured at all. Most peo-                                        and these specialized   how thankful we need
        ple finance cars, which                                          wheelchairs are ex-   to be for what we have.”
        require insurance or buy                                         tremely expensive. The   I asked Kelli what her
        homes with a mortgage.                                           Challenged Athletes   tips would be for our
        For some wealthy indi-                                           Foundation has helped   readers who might like
        viduals who buy these                                            amputees get prosthetic   to get into the insurance
        items with cash, no one                                          legs, which are specially   business. “You have to
        requires them to be                                              designed so they can   like meeting people and
        insured, and often they                                          participate in runs. Kelli’s   be focused on helping
        don't even realize that                                          husband Patrick didn't   people. That is the first
        they should be"                                              Photos courtesy of Kelli Yount  want to be left out, and   requirement for a career
           I asked Kelli to tell                                         he decided to take part   in insurance. If you fit
        me more about Hub                                                in their biggest annual   the bill, I suggest you
        International, and she                                           fundraiser called the   get yourself a mentor.
        shared the following,                                            Million Dollar Challenge.   Then before selecting a
        "Hub has over 200                                                This is an annual ride   broker, you need to do
        employees in San                                                 from San Francisco to   your homework and find
        Diego, and we have a                                             San Diego. Kelli shares,   a good, ethical broker
        culture that is one that                                         "It is so inspirational to   with whom to align
        believes in giving back                                          see, we have a friend   yourself. There are many
        to the community, and                                            who lost both of his legs   jobs in the insurance
        our brokers are treated                                          when he was run over   industry, so do your re-
        entrepreneurially. So                                            by a train. We met him   search and find the area
        no upper management                                              on a bike ride that chal-  that fits you best. Then
        has to approve every-                                            lenge athlete was doing   dive into it and never
        thing we do. We can   them, and by the time I   She had much success   up in northern Califor-  stop learning.”
        get involved with the   left the firm, I had about   in doing so, since her
        charities that we want,   $5 million of recurring   current clients were very   For more information on Hub International or to get in
        and many of us are very   revenue that I brought   pleased with her work   touch with Kelli visit:
        philanthropic. We are a   in with good solid   and wanted to help   Email:
        highly ethical firm, and   clients. With my move to   their peers, they had no   Personal LinkedIn:
        this is a major concern   HUB International, and   problem with sending   Hub International Website: https://www.hubinterna-
        for me. I take great pride   having access to all the   Kelli their way, to help
        in being part of this   resources and services at  them adequately insure   scranton-road/
        organization.” HUB is the   my fingertips, I am very   their businesses.  LinkedIn
        largest privately owned   confident that I will dou-  In addition to her   ternational/
        broker in the US, with   ble the $5m in revenue   love for her job and her   Instagram:
        over 11,000 employees   to over $10m."      family, Kelli has another   Facebook:
        world wide.             Insurance in the    passion. She has been   tionalLimited
           Kelli has been in the   early days was a type of   involved for some time   Twitter:
        insurance business for   boy’s club, so learning   with the Challenged   Personal LinkedIn:

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