Page 45 - Power Women Issue
P. 45
Power Women
nationwide that will pro- try to report it to another Linsey finally received ing to go back overseas,
vide free programs to en- female supervisor, I was some counseling when preferably to Japan, so
courage female veterans to told, oh, what did you she got out of the service. they can show their chil-
move forward by offering think was going to happen? “What really saved me, dren more of the world.
events and classes that will You let him in your room. or should I say helped me I asked Linsey what
further their education, So I was basically told to through the process, was suggestions she would give
careers and overall well be- get over it. I would never that I met an amazing to any of our readers who
ing. The staggering statistic want another woman to be lady that does meditation wish to enlist in the mil-
that female veterans are 2 treated this way.” and I started going to her itary. “I had one negative
1/2 times more likely than incident in my time in the
non-veterans to commit Navy, it was at the begin-
suicide and that there are ning of my career, but that
an estimated 3,600 female doesn't define my career
veterans that are currently at all. I still went on to do
homeless. As Americans, 14 years, and I was very
we need to support each successful in my career.
other, and as a country, I think the military is a
we need to help not just great life for women to ex-
our male veterans, but our perience. I would just say
female veterans as well. not to be naive. I would
Unfortunately, Linsey also suggest that they go
knows first hand what to college before joining
these women are going the service, which gives
through. When I asked you more options as to
her what her favorite part what you want to do while
of being in the military in the military. I complet-
was and what her least ed my degree while in the
favorite part was, she service, but it took me 14
shared a very personal years to do so.”
event, which has led her to To Linsey and her hus-
her current dedication to band, and all who serve in
Veteran Sisters. our military and dedicate
“My favorite part of their lives to keeping us
being in the service was Linsey shared some classes. I started to feel so all safe, we want to say a
the time I spent in Japan, information from Veteran much better.” resounding “Thank you
but my least favorite part Sisters, and after talking Linsey plans to one for your service.”
is the reason I got involved with her, I was shocked to day open her own med- To learn more about
with Veterans Sisters. I hear how prevalent sexual itation studio so she can Linsey and Veteran Sisters
had a sexual assault that abuse is in the military. help victims of sexual contact her at linseydaley.
happened during my first "It runs rampant in the assault, or anyone that has
year in the military. While military. I think still to this any type of trauma or has Support the incredible
in the Military, we are told day. I mean they have a lot gone through that type of work being done by Vet-
that our fellow service men more programs, and a lot event in their life, because eran Sisters by attending
and women are our family. of advocacy for victims that meditating really changed their upcoming Poker Run
Unfortunately, not all the they didn’t have when I was her life. and Benefit Concert on
men are aware of this, and going through this. I held Linsey has only been June 15th in Winchester
one whom I thought was onto that experience for out of the service a year California. Visit their site
a good friend took advan- 14 years, and even when I and settled in California, at
tage of the situation." got out because I was told where her husband is to learn more, to make
This was back in 2005 that it was my own fault currently stationed. They a donation, or to obtain
before there were programs for what happened, and are scheduled to be here tickets to this wonderful
available to help women in no woman should ever be for the next three years, at event.
this situation. “ When I did treated that way.” which point they are hop-