Page 49 - Power Women Issue
P. 49
Power Women
then go to work in a factory to first bonus check for $10,000 has been a speaker all over the what I've been doing through-
give us a better, safer future, from the first bank for which world, sharing the many suc- out my entire career. I've been a
then I could surely survive I worked, and I went into my cesses she has had in turning top performer throughout my
my current situation. A lot of office immediately and called financial institutions around entire 30-year banking career.
people sacrifice, everything for my mother at the factory and and making them profitable. I have maintained this even as
money. My mother sacrificed I said, mommy, I want you to Dr. Betty is also the author of an entrepreneur, I've owned
money for everything. This walk into your boss's office, an international best-selling several businesses here in the
taught me some very strong and I want you to tell him that book entitled, #Values: The US, and I inherited my father's
values, which would remain today is your last day. You are Secret to Top-Level Perfor- transportation company in Co-
with me through my life.” never going to work again as mance in Business & Life. “It lombia, South America, when
Dr. Betty focused on being long as you live.” As Dr. Betty was actually my dissertation he passed away. The common
the best mother she could be recounted this event her eyes study. I interviewed military thread is that everything I've
and worked on her career. A filled with tears, happy tears, generals from the White House ever done in my life has been
phone call while on the freeway being able to pay her mom and the Pentagon, C level based on values."
would lead to the happiness back for the many sacrifices executives and CEOs. These Dr. Betty’s book became an
for which Dr. Betty had always she made over the years for were people that were known instant international bestseller.
hoped. “Juan Carlos came into her family was more important
my life when the girls were than all of the successes in her
about 12 and 14 when I got a life.
phone call from my assistant, Dr. Betty has been a huge
at the time I was running the supporter of MANA and has
Western region for a different been a keynote speaker at their
financial institution, and he events. MANA is a fabulous
said that there was a man on organization in San Diego
the phone who was insisting whose purpose is developing,
on getting my phone number. nurturing and empower-
My first thought was that he ing Latina leaders through
was a stalker and I asked if he education, leadership develop-
had called security. He said ment, advocacy, and commu-
no, but he told me to tell you nity service. MANA, short
that he was an ex-marine and for "Hermana," the Spanish
to mention Catalina Island. I word for sister, is a dynamic
knew instantly who it was. It sisterhood of Latinas bound
was Juan Carlos Uribe." together by common history,
The two had dated 25 years culture, language, and goals. to be value-based leaders who “I unveiled it at an inaugural
earlier after her first marriage It was actually at one of these created sustainable results. I gala in Washington DC. And
had ended, but they broke events that our Photographer, then tested them for their value on the day that the book came
up over a silly disagreement. Maggie Ramos, met Dr. Betty system, and I did qualitative out, I raised $1 million, which
They spoke on the phone and and knew instantly that she and quantitative analysis on was used to put 50 underserved
instantly realized that the spark was someone that we had to them. In the end, I discovered young adults through Chap-
was still there. So, they recon- highlight in San Diego Woman common values that these man University, all expenses
nected, and as they say, the rest Magazine. Maggie shares her people possess, and they lead as paid. The book is kind of a way
is history. personal experiences meeting they do, because of their value for me to make an impact in
Dr. Betty has continued Dr. Uribe in the article on system. They all had a higher business and in government.
on her path to success, earning page 50 entitled Re-Valuing purpose. They all wanted to My goal is to raise funds to
her doctorate, with honors on Core-"#Values," Provided in make a difference in the world, provide 100 full scholarships in
her dissertation, in Organiza- both English and Spanish. and they genuinely cared about each continent, by the time I'm
tional Leadership at Pepper- This article will allow you to their employees. I studied val- 80 years old.”
dine University, and is current- gain personal insight into this ue-based leadership and sus- After spending time with
ly the Executive Vice President wonderful woman, Dr. Betty tainability of performance and Dr. Betty, I have no doubt she
of California Bank and Trust Uribe. the juxtaposition of the two. I will accomplish this and so
and runs a six-billion-dollar Dr. Betty’s list of accom- wanted to make an argument much more. Thank you, Dr.
operation. With all her success, plishments over the years is al- that you can lead a company Betty Uribe.
there is one particular moment most too long to list in a single with values and you can create For more information
she remembers that stands out article. Aside from her success- sustainable performance by visit Dr. Betty at
among all others. “I got my es as a turnaround expert, she leading with values. And that's