Page 52 - Power Women Issue
P. 52

Power Women

                        REKA GYULAI

                         A Ballerina’s Life

                                    By Jacqui Busick

                                Photos courtesy of California Ballet

           “Getting up in the morning   who recognized her talent and   upcoming Cinderella, she men-
        sometimes is hard for all of   convinced her, at age 10, to try   tioned its music, as well.
        us right? But you go in there   out at the big ballet school in   “This is going to be some-
        you warm up, the music starts   Budapest, the Hungarian Dance  thing new and very beautiful,”
        going, and [I think], ‘We are   Academy where she trained   she said. “And the music is very
        fortunate to be doing this.’”  until she was 19.      passionate.”
           Through 12 years of experi-  The Hungarian Dance       Gyulai joined California   prevent injuries with dancers.
        ence as a professional ballerina,   Academy was a few hours from   Ballet as a principal dancer in   "What I feel like now is
        Reka Gyulai, 32, has not only   her home, and though Gyulai   2015 and will have the role of   [that] I am at the top of my
        learned how to dance with   saw her parents once a week,   Cinderella this April. Choreo-  career, and I would never allow
        excellence, but how to live as   she was incredibly homesick for   graphed by the new Artistic Di-  myself to let that go," she said.
        a human being with that same   her first few years.   rector, Jared Nelson, the ballet is  "I just want to see how far I
        excellence. She views herself   "Even in the ballet classes   highly anticipated.   can go, how much more I can
        and her art with grace, and   sometimes I cried. I'm very   Gyulai works hard for   improve."
        approaches it all with a wisdom   emotional with music, so beau-  what she loves. In her early   At the California Ballet,
        that will sustain her in the years   tiful music drives me a lot," she   years at the Hungarian Dance   the dancers work five days a
        to come.                   said. When she was homesick,   Academy, her love of her family   week, unless they are near-
           Currently, Gyulai is a prin-  it was the music that brought   almost kept her from continu-  ing a performance and they
        cipal dancer at the California   out her tears. "I heard this   ing in ballet. She went home   will rehearse on weekends, as
        Ballet. From Hungary, she has   beautiful piano music in the   one weekend and cried to her   well. Normal weeks, Monday
        danced professionally in the   ballet class, and I just started   parents, wanting to quit, but her  through Friday they will have
        United States since she was 19   crying. And that happened   dad would not let her because   a one-and-a-half hour class
        years old with various compa-  several times."        he knew the teachers said she   in the morning, followed by a
        nies.                          “If I ever choreograph, the   was good.            four-hour rehearsal in the af-
           Gyulai began dancing    first idea for me always comes   “I’m very thankful for him   ternoon. Their days end at 3:15
        when she was five years old.   from the music. I’m very mu-  because I’m very fortunate to do  p.m., at which time Reka says
        She said it was her first teacher   sic-driven.”      what I love and I love ballet. I   that she will either go home
        in her hometown, Veszprem,     When asked about the   learned to like it as I was getting  and do some more exercises,
                                                              much better at it and I enjoyed   or force herself to rest if it is an
                                                              it –– I enjoyed the challenges   extra busy rehearsal week.
                                                              with it,” she said.            “I am very serious about
                                                                  Gyulai said she has ques-  my regimen that I do on an
                                                              tioned her path at several points  hourly or a daily or a weekly
                                                              throughout her journey, yet she   basis,” said Gyulai. However,
                                                              has also had points of utmost   that wasn’t always the case. One
                                                              clarity. When she was 17, she   of the most important parts of
                                                              knew that dancing in the Unit-  becoming a successful ballerina
                                                              ed States was what she would   is learning how to take care of
                                                              be doing with her life after a   oneself. Over the years Gyulai
                                                              summer program at the North   has had to learn how to best
                                                              Carolina School of the Arts.  take care of her body, through
                                                                  If she were not doing ballet   food, stretching and exercises
                                                              now, she would either be work-  –– and today this is the focus of
                                                              ing with animals or working to   her daily attention.

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