Page 55 - Power Women Issue
P. 55

Power Women

        ter's degree in English, and I   about a piece of art and going   want to help one another to   that's what sort of stunted
        went on to teach writing at the  down into the vaults and see-  accomplish our goals. We push   my career path a little, or
        University of Phoenix. I had a   ing cool artwork. And in the   each other to do better every   caused it to take a bit lon-
        series of other jobs along the   next week, I'm learning about   day and in doing so obtain   ger to get going.
        way, but when I was offered   space and Mars and what it   excellent results.”    •  My last suggestion would
        a marketing internship, I   takes to be an astronaut and   I asked Dana if there were   be that if you want to be a
        decided to take it and start my   viewing spacecraft that have   tips, she could provide to our   writer, just keep at it until it
        copywriting career. I worked   been to space or that are plan-  readers if they chose a similar   happens. I knew writing is
        in the copywriting field at a   ning to go. And it's just a really   career path and she suggested   what I wanted to do, and I
        digital marketing company, a   cool experience to learn about   the following:      never doubted that I would
        vitamin startup, and a public   all of that and then have the   •  I would say, don’t be afraid   live my dream, no matter
        relations firm, then I found   opportunity to share it with   to volunteer or step out of   how long it took.
        Guru, and I knew I was finally   others.”                your comfort zone when
        in my dream job."             Part of what Dana likes so   you first start out or are still   Dana lives with her hus-
           I asked Dana what it was   much about her position at   in school. The more you   band, John, whom she met in
        that she loved about her job.   Guru is working together with   have on your resume, as a   2010 and married 4 years later.
        “I love that it combines all of   a team aimed at a final goal.   writer, the more likely you   They have a mutual love for
        my experiences together. I   “Working at Guru has allowed   are to get higher paying   pop culture, travel, and their
        get to teach people things,   me to collaborate with some   writing jobs down the line.   two dogs, Ripley, and Scully
        and I get to share information,   pretty amazing people. In   •  The second suggestion   who they adore.
        which I really enjoy doing, but   the last year, we've acquired   would be, take internships,
        I also get to learn a lot. I go to   a lot of female employees,   take internships, take   For more information on Dana
        art museums, I go to natural   which has been really nice   internships! I was working   and Guru contact her at:
        history museums, I go to space  because I feel like we have   full time during school, so I
        centers. One week I'm learning  an environment where we all   didn't take one, and I think   or

                    Ara Lebanese Grill

                                 By Gerald Neff

           What is Shawarma? A tasty Leb-  are all found at “Ara Lebanese
        anese pita wrap.                   Grill." Ara or his wife personally
           For the past two years or more,   wait on you, and if you wish some-
        my youngest daughter was enjoy-    thing else there are taboule salads,
        ing a near eastern delicacy made of   typical Arabic coffee in a ladle and
        seared beef and lamb well-seasoned,   a host of other fine dishes that Ara
        wrapped around a tasty filling of   will be glad to explain to you, and
        cilantro, onion and green pepper   do not forget the Kababs of chick-
        enclosed in a hot pita or "naan tor-  en, beef, or lamb; and all prices are
        tilla"bread and topped with home-  very moderate.
        made hummus and lots of yams!!        This place has only nine tables in
        And I found it right here, in the city   the grill itself, and two extras outside
        of San Marcos in California.       make it small but cozy-neat-and-
           That called “Shawarma” is also   clean, and it is constantly busy with
        my favorite, and it is approximate-  returning satisfied clients.
        ly eight inches of warm, delicious    After trying many of the similar
        goodness. Just right to eat sitting   establishments of this same type of
        down, in your vehicle or on the    food I have definitely decided on
        run. And the finest in the area is   Ara’s Grill.
        located in the center of San Marcos   Try it and enjoy the fabulous
        Shopping Plaza on West San Mar-    Lebanese Cuisine.
        cos Boulevard No. 997. This along     Bon Appetite !!!
        with many other similar delicacies
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