Page 53 - Power Women Issue
P. 53
The Most Powerful WOMAN
“There is always some-
thing to work on in ballet –– I in the Room is YOU
think with everything in life,”
she said. But in ballet, “there is By Lydia Fenet
always something to perfect.”
Gyulai said this applies to both
the technical and artistic com- I host a quarterly network- what started as a group of
ponents of ballet. For her, she ing breakfast with a woman twelve women has turned into
mostly is focused on improv- who, at one time, was one of a breakfast that has touched
ing artistically, at the moment. my biggest rivals in the auc- over a hundred women. It has
However, Ballet has tion world. On the morning of grown from twelve people
taught her how to accept mis- our first networking breakfast, to as large as twenty-five
takes and imperfections well. Courtney and I arrived early people. It is a place where we
“Nothing is ever perfect. and anxiously awaited the invite anyone in need of life
You can fall on your face, and arrival of our first guests at a guidance, career guidance, a
that happens to everyone,” she small restaurant in the West fresh take on a new business,
said. “You just need to learn Village. Once everyone got a place to talk about breakups,
how to be okay with that. I am comfortable and seated with babies, divorce, motherhood, guidance than someone who
still practicing every day how their tablemates, we posed a the challenges of marriage, has recently passed through
to do that.” simple question to the group: fertility issues, career changes, that stage in their life. Same
In order to dance well, “Tell us what is going on in career success—you name with women who are looking
Gyulai has learned how to live your life.” it, we have covered it. We to transition jobs, having
in the present moment. “As often happens with ask everyone at the table the their first child, or going back
“When you’re out there groups of women, within same question: “What are to work after their first child.
on stage, it is a moment that minutes the conversation took you working on?” Because, as Talking to someone who has
already been in the trenches
does not come back. We have on a life of its own. We had you know, a powerful woman of a life experience and has
many moments like that,” she assumed that a networking always has her sights set on found their way to the other
something, whether it’s start-
breakfast would largely focus
said. on careers and questions ing a business, raising a family, side can be hugely helpful
Gyulai said that a danc- when you are just going
er’s daily regimen and also about people’s jobs in general. running the PTA, or creating a through it.
It became clear very quickly
new strategy for fundraising
pre-performance routine is a that no one was going to ad- on behalf of a nonprofit. The Most Powerful Wom-
very personal thing for each dress their career path without Whatever stage you are at an in the Room is an informa-
dancer. talking about their personal in your life, think about put- tion seeker, a connector of
"You will see me before lives as well. In some cases, ting together a moment for people, and she is constantly
every performance praying," there was no career at all— this type of connection. Even listening to the advice of oth-
Gyulai said her faith helps they were just there to meet if you start it on your own er women in her life. Some-
her a lot in her career, to calm new people and share. and you are the only point times all she needs is a forum
down and to remember why We quickly realized that we of connection between the to share her ideas and learn
she does what she does. "It's were onto something when people at the table, you can from others. So be the one
out of love, and it's out of a few weeks later we start- create this for those around who steps forward and invites
grace, and it's very humbling." ed getting emails from our you. In many ways, it is about everyone into a place where
As a professional balle- friends asking when we were flipping your mindset; when support and encouragement
rina, Gyulai embodies both planning to hold the next you start seeing other women is the name of the game.
the love and discipline that it breakfast. The next question as an additive piece of your My question to you, the
takes for any art form to be at was “Is it okay if I invite my networking puzzle, you will be Most Powerful Woman in
its best. She said that some- friend/my colleague/some- amazed at how helpful your the Room, is: When is your
times her joints don't like one I met who is in a rut?” The advice can quickly become breakfast?”
the pain they experience, but breakfast quickly became like to those around you. When The Most Powerful Wom-
"everything else I love. I love a drug—a group of women, speaking to college seniors an in the Room is You is her
every bit of it," she said. many of whom had never met, requesting advice on how to first book and will be pub-
Cinderella is from April supporting issues in one an- move into the working world, lished by Gallery Books, an
12-14, 2019 at the San Diego other’s personal life and pro- I always recommend that they imprint of Simon & Schuster,
Civic Theatre fessional life, and opening up reach out to women two or in Spring 2019. You can follow
Get your tickets today at their networks to lift everyone three years out of college. I her auctions, antics, and
http://www.californiaballet. up. Over the four years that can remember that transitory anecdotes on Instagram: @
org/cinderella we have held the breakfast, time, but who better to give LydiaFenet.