Page 50 - Power Women Issue
P. 50

Re-Valuing Core-“#Values” @Dr. Betty Uribe.Com

                                          Article and Photos by Maggie Ramos

           I do my best to follow   ened my ethical courage   and respect initially from   first was a daughter, and now
        through with commitments   and contacted Dr. Betty to   her parents and continues   she wears the hats of being a
        without making fake prom-  request a photo session. To   to grow in this knowledge   parent, an international best-
        ises.  I am not sure why it is   my surprise, not only did she   today.  If you ever meet her   selling author, a speaker, and
        easier for us to break promis-  accept; she also generously   and her family personally,   Executive Vice President for
        es, but keeping commitments  extended the invitation to   you will understand what I   California Bank & Trust. Dr.
        is more ethical. I grew up   her home sweet home. I took   am talking about. Many of us  Betty is always reaching out
        with a lot of promises, but   advantage of the offer and   don’t realize what hard work   to spread her message and
        I was also often upset or   met with her for the photo   really means. We endure and   is not afraid to wear even
        devastated when these more   session.                 spend our time wastefully,   more hats if it spreads her
        often than not were broken.    I can’t even find the   instead of taking a moment   #values and helps even just
        So here you have me, practic-  words to describe how I felt   to listen to our parents as she  one more person day by day.
        ing ethical commitments for   during, before and after the   did hers. Visits with family   I can happily share, I feel
        readers and fans.          session was accomplished.   members help us to connect   very special and this experi-
           In our last edition, I brief-  For me, personally, it was   with our ancestors and re-  ence has been a great honor.
        ly introduced new friends I   incredibly amazing!!! Keep   minds us of our core family   Dr. Betty, I have definitely
        had recently met at the San   in mind that when I asked   “#values.”  Dr. Betty Uribe   learned a lot.
        Diego MANA Conference.     her for a photo session, I
        One of the friends I met was   explained to her who I was
        Dr.Betty Uribe; whom I can   and that I was a student on
        say with confidence can be   a photography internship.
        anybody’s friend. If you ever   Remember what I said earlier
        feel the need to talk to her for  about growing up with con-
        any reason; you will be grant-  stant broken promises? Well
        ed at least sixty seconds. The   because of that, I often doubt
        second appointment depends   myself and often lack confi-
        on you, and your first sixty   dence. Thank God, Dr. Betty
        seconds.                   is making a difference in my
           How come only sixty     life. Because one of the hats
        seconds!?! Well, see, Dr. Bet-  she wears is mentoring. So,
        ty is like a very busy bee who  after our meetings, I became
        creates honey and shares   a mentee of Dr. Betty. I am
        sweet kindness around the   being mentored, polished,
        world. Dr. Betty also wears   and tutored about ethics.
        many hats; she travels a lot   Dr. Betty is a sweet, kind
        and accomplishes a thousand  mother of three precious
        responsibilities in only 24   well-educated  children.
        hours. I luckily found Dr.   Kristopher, Alexandria, and
        Betty in about 24 hours after   Sandra who are all great
        our first introduction at the   supporters and blessings for
        MANA Conference in San     Dr. Betty. The love of her life,
        Diego. As some of you have   Mr. Juan Carlos Uribe is also
        learned, I met her as a key-  a great supporter and a bless-
        note speaker, and we became  ing for her. They all truly
        great friends.             understand the concept and
           I must have done or said   “#values” of spending quality
        something ethical during my   time together, supporting
        first sixty seconds, because   and respecting each other
        that led me to be invited to   not only as family mem-
        her very own sacred space.  bers; individually as well.
           For a few seconds, I    Dr. Betty for sure must have
        dropped my fears, strength-  learned all the experience

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