Page 57 - Power Women Issue
P. 57
Power Women
Silvia can be contacted aviation, fine collections, rare down debt from the past, and
through Hera Angels at https:// autos and other assets. most importantly, enjoying life Kelli can be reached at kelli. in the present. or Gina can be contacted via
through LinkedIn at www.linke- email at gina.ellen@jetwealthad- visors or by phone at (858) 457-
1028. To learn more about Jet
Wealth Advisors visit their site at
Vidya Dinamani
Co-founder of Product Rebels
Driven, results-oriented
business leader focused on Allison Long Pettine
developing innovative and Founding Partner of
outstanding software & ser- Seed San Diego
vices, both online and mobile Dr. Betty Uribe
within B2C & B2B. Proven skills Allison Long Pettine is an Executive Vice President
in developing high performing investor and entrepreneur who Business and Personal Banking
teams, setting strategy, and is passionate about finding California Bank and Trust Dana Duran
driving end-to-end partner- and empowering visionaries Director of Content and Lead
ships. Expert product leader uniquely destined to change the For nearly three decades, Storyteller for Guru
of online, mobile, and social world. Sheis a Co- founder of Ad Dr. Betty has been transforming
products and experience devel- Astra Ventures, a fund dedicat- business, culture, and people, Dana Duran is a copywriting,
opment. ed to empowering founders of making her an award-winning content creation and content
Vidya can be contacted high growth startups with at business turnaround expert. strategy professional. Her
through Hera Angels at https:// least one female co-founder. She Currently Dr. Betty has P&L current position is a unique one is President of Crescent Ridge responsibility for a $6 billion line as Director of Content and lead
Partners, Founding Partner at of business, at California Bank copywriter for cultural institu-
SEED San Diego, and co-founder and Trust. tion apps and marketing.
of Lymber, which was sold to Author of International Dana specialize in taking
MindBody in 2017. Best-Selling book: #Values: The complex topics and making
Allison can be contacted Secret to Top-Level Performance them relatable and fun.
through Hera Angels at https:// in Business & Life. Dana can be reached by Dr. Betty Uribe can be email at
reached via email at drbettyu- or you can
view her LinkedIn profile at
Dr. Silvia Mah
Startup Investor and Scientist
Motivated, goal-oriented,
enthusiastic international entre-
preneur and investor.
Silvia is one of the founding
partners at Ad Astra Ventures, a Kelli Yount Danielle Humphries
venture group and early stage Vice President Business Partner
micro-fund that aims to trans- Development Hahn & Loeser
form female founders into fierce HUB International
leaders of disruptive startup Gina Ellen Danielle Humphries, a partner
companies; an Investment Com- Kelli has nearly three de- Registered Associate in the firm’s San Diego office
mittee member of Next Wave cades of experience in property JET Wealth Advisors and Chair of San Diego’s Trusts &
Impact, a global social impact and casualty insurance and is Estates practice group, is a trusted
fund; Executive Director of Hera one of the rare advisors who is Gina assists clients by wealth advisor to her clients and
Labs, a business accelerator for well versed in both commer- engaging them in the dynamic their families through her trusts
women-owned small business- cial lines and personal lines for planning needed to obtain their and estates work. The majority
es; founding member of Hera clients with a high net worth. ideal lifestyle, and to leave be- of Danielle’s practice focuses on
Angels, an early stage female As VP of Business Development, hind a legacy of which they can trusts and estates, including es-
angel group; an angel investor Kelli serves as a key advisor to be proud. Gina and her team’s tate planning, wealth transfer and
in female-focused endeavors; individuals seeking coverage goal is to help their clients find preservation, business succession
and UCSD Student Programs for luxury homes, investment the sweet spot that balances planning, trust administration,
Diversity Director. properties, watercraft, private investing for the future, paying probate, and probate litigation.