Page 50 - Fashion issue
P. 50
Feeding people with a club
By Rob Weinberg
As a kid I played a lot of minigolf, where the biggest challenge was tomizing their holes
avoiding the windmill at the third hole. to suit the personality
As an adult I’ve learned there are much bigger challenges, with of their businesses.
the seeming hopelessness of homelessness, hunger, and poverty Imagine a realtor
among them. making you hit your
There are times in life when we can’t see the obvious before our ball around a doll
eyes – the whole forest through the trees thing. But every once in house. How about a
a great while we successfully connect the dots, and make the long banker placing bags
journey within a few minutes from the innocence of mini golf to the of money as obsta-
crushing pressures of life on the streets. cles? Or a plumber
For me the trip from mini golf to helping cure someone’s anguish placing the hole in
started in Poway. There I joined forces with the Temple Adat one in a toilet.
Shalom Men’s Club to turn the temple’s social hall into a short-term It’s easy to see how
solution for a long-term problem. this quickly becomes
Entitled Mini Golf for Good (, this event fun.
is based on Adat Shalom’s reform Jewish philosophy that, through And as players line
acts of Tikkun Olam (Hebrew for "repairing the world"), we can up to play they’ll read
each make life better for everyone. brochures, watch
It is for this reason that these community volunteers are creating videos, and talk to staff about what each sponsor potentially offers
a 36-hole mini golf course for a day to raise funds, provide Ahavat them.
Ger (“love of the stranger”), and help those who need it most. Why you’ll go
What’s it all about? My participation in this event naturally gives me a bias, but it sure
This coming September 2nd, from 10am – 10pm, Temple Adat sounds like a pleasant way to help a lot of people.
Shalom’s 5,400 square foot social hall will be transformed into But if altruism isn’t your thing, what about wholesome fun with your
12 hours of fun for area residents…and a source of relief for the family? We’re talking about eight solid hours of laughs, friendship,
forgotten among us. and good times for adults and children alike. Naturally the event
The money raised will help support Interfaith Community Services will also have the requisite food, drinks, and silent auction items
50 as they shelter and feed North County’s homeless population. you would expect.
ICS, which is connected to dozens of faith-based organizations Still not enough? Then check things out from 6-10 pm when it’s
throughout San Diego, reminds us that hunger, homelessness, and adults only and alcohol is available.
desperation strikes individuals regardless of their religion, race, or Regardless of which shift you come for - whether you’re there for
previous social status. As an active member of ICS, Adat Shalom an hour, or the day - with two customized 18-hole courses (and
wants to do its part. discounted replays), you’re certain to have an enjoyable time.
The temple is simultaneously developing a community garden The bottom line
in collaboration with ICS, again with an eye towards feeding the The Regional Task Force on the Homeless says our area’s home-
hungry. A portion of the proceeds will go to support this hope-filled less population now stands at approximately 9,800, up 8.6% over
venture as well. 2011.
The Men’s Club will also get a portion of the proceeds, and their Thanks to a little imagination and a lot of hard work by our friends
help goes to support the community around them. at Temple Adat Shalom, you can help improve dozens of those
The holes on this course will be sponsored by area businesses lives for about the cost of going to the movies.
who will all have wonderful opportunities to discuss their products And if THAT isn’t a great way to spend a Sunday, I can’t think of
and services, if for no other reason than because they’ll be cus anything that is.
Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary
Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary meets for breakfast
every Tuesday 7-8:30am at the Country Club of
Rancho Bernardo, 12280 Greens East Rd. San Diego,
CA 92128 (next to Rancho Bernardo Inn).
The Club is involved in local community and
international projects. For more information call
Karen Mortimer, Membership Chairman at
858-204-2292 or email at