Page 35 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 35
Women of Distinction
had heard from multiple attorneys well if I am not my own boss. I don’t was helpful. But it was still a chal- want to practice in this area of law?
that it doesn’t matter what major like that kind of environment. It lenge, learning how to be an attor- And now, we fast forward to today,
you take while completing your doesn’t allow me to be my best. So, ney, how to get clients and show and it is my favorite area of law. I
bachelor’s degree. I contemplated how I would create up at court, and all of the nuances absolutely love it. So, I think as a
So, when deciding on my ma- an environment that would make that they don’t teach you in law new lawyer, you should give dif-
jor, I thought lawyers have to write me comfortable and allow me to school. Not everyone is meant to ferent areas of law a chance before
a lot, so this seemed a good choice. make my own decisions about the be a business owner. But I do love you decide what exactly you want
I was told that majoring in an area cases I would take and how I went a challenge!” to do.”
like criminal justice or political sci- about helping people. Opening I asked Rachel what she loved I asked Rachel if she could ex-
ence made things harder to suc- my own firm was the natural de- about her job, “I love that I solve plain the job of a Strategic Litigator
ceed in law school as you had to cision.” problems. I really like helping peo- “I put together a strategy that’s
learn about similar topics using a King Law Firm, Attorneys at ple. When they come to me, they going to make the best use of all
completely different thought pro- Law, Inc. opened in December are faced with one of the most diffi- of the resources that we have, the
cess. of 2014 and specializes in Strate- cult experiences in their life, which time that we have, the money that
When Rachel finally started we have, and the evidence that we
law school, she had already met have so that we can get as close to
and married her husband Dan, my client’s goal as possible. And
who was also serving in the Army. then, I reevaluate the entire pro-
They had a six-year-old daugh- cess so we are always on the same
ter, Kaya, and a ten-week-old son trajectory. We are always working
Adam. Talk about loving a chal- toward the same goal. My clients
lenge! Then to challenge herself a and I are always aligned so that
bit further, she had her third child, they know that we’re working as
her daughter Abigail, in her third a team. And that’s really, really im-
year of Law School. “Yes, I planned portant to me because if we settle,
that last pregnancy so I would de- which hopefully we do, it is great,
liver during the summer and not but if we don’t settle, that’s okay.
miss a day of school, and it worked We don’t have to scramble. We
out perfectly.” already know that we’re ready for
While Rachel was attending trial. We find the weak points early
law school and raising her family, on as well as the strong points.”
she always tried to stay in the mo- Not only does Rachel work
ment. She remembered her Army gic Litigation in family law, elder is a legal problem. I get to help tirelessly to help her clients she has
training and knew she just had to abuse, financial elder abuse, con- solve that so that they can move an absolutely incredible trial team
take one step at a time to get to her servatorships, and trusts. Rachel on and become better by putting at her law firm. “I’m very proud of
end goal, a law degree and passing has never looked back or regretted whatever the legal situation is be- the fact that we have an all-female
the bar. “I was a little older than her decision. “I think most people hind them. Sometimes my clients trial team at my office. Every client
most of the other law school stu- that become lawyers have some walk into my office feeling defeat- that walks in the door gets me as
dents. Law school was tough, and internal desire to do good. I really ed, as if there is nothing they can the lead supervising litigator, and
in order to succeed, I had to make like to solve people’s problems. So, do, and I can say, well, sure there is; I have writing paralegals, research
sure that the rest of my life was in if I can help solve your problem, let’s just figure out what it is we can paralegals, and a client liaison. We
order. To do that, I never looked that makes me feel good inside, do. I wholeheartedly believe there do everything we can to make our
too far ahead; I just looked at what and I feel like I’ve benefited you. is a solution to every problem that clients as comfortable as possible
I had to do that day. One day I had Rachel has a physical office in enters my door.” through this process. Legal issues
to concentrate on being a mom; Wildomar, a small town in River- Rachel’s least favorite part of will never be stress-free, and I
another, I had to focus on school. It side County, and a remote practice owning her own law firm is deal- cannot keep them from emotion-
wasn’t until the day after I passed that allows her to practice not only ing with the financial aspects and al stress, but I never want them
the bar that I decided to open my in California but also in Kentucky, balancing the fact that she went to stressing over the legal side.
own law firm. I had a one-year-old, Texas, and Arizona, where she law school to help solve problems Rest assured that with King Le-
a three-year-old, and an eight- is also licensed. In addition, she for her clients, but at the same gal Firm, Attorneys at Law, Inc., you
year-old, and I knew I didn’t want also has clients globally who have time, she must also run a business. are in the best hands with a legal
to be away from them 60 hours businesses located in California. As the owner of a ten-year-old team that takes the time to under-
a week as a new lawyer working This allows Rachel to expand her successful law firm, I asked Rachel stand your needs and goals and
at a law firm. I preferred working practice while spending more time what she would suggest to a new does everything possible to re-
60 hours a week for myself at my with her family and makes herself lawyer starting in her profession solve any legal issue that may arise.
house with my children.” available to meet with clients who today.“ I suggest keeping an open
This fact, along with her need prefer an in-person meeting to a mind about what areas of law they For more information or
to be independent, were the pri- remote one. want to practice. I never thought
mary reasons Rachel decided Having her own law firm has that I would ever want to do any- to schedule an appointment:
to open her own law firm upon been a blessing to Rachel, but she thing in probate. I never thought King Law Firm Attorneys at Law, Inc.
graduation, and King Law Firm admits there was a learning curve. I’d want to do trust litigation. In 34859 Oneal Rd, Ste. 108,
Attorneys at Law, Inc was born. “I “My learning curve was very steep, fact, I went to a bar meeting when Wildomar, CA 92595
learned, again, what I had learned but fortunately, I had previous I was a brand-new attorney in this (951) 834-7715
in my early twenties that I don’t do business owner experience, which field and thought, who would ever