Page 37 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 37

by Jaime V. Habert                                                                 Fabulous Finds


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        to come. The J-shaped double zipper makes   common problem areas. Whatever your   Easily layer them with existing pieces, or
        entry and exit super easy, and the breath-  concern, Shapellx Shapewear is there to be   wear them solo for a simple statement. To
        able fabric makes sleep time a breeze. There   your little secret. Shop activewear, swim-  shop these items and explore the entire
        are so many Must-Have products that we   wear, shapewear, and shaping dresses at   stunning Chelsea Charles collection, visit
        simply can’t name them all! To view the
        entire Kyte Baby collection, visit https:// and finally get the   5.  Chelsea Charles          6.  Pressed Floral
        rest you and your baby deserve.     There is no greater gift on this planet than   Flowers are often a huge part of important
                                            good health. While we are all searching   events. From weddings to graduations,
        4.  Shapellx Plus Size Shapewear and   for a way to lose those pesky pounds, we   flowers will make an appearance and often
           Swimsuits                        often miss the mark when it comes to the   hold a place in our memory as the décor
        If you’ve ever been lucky enough to come   important milestones of our health journey.   that captured our attention. Now, you can
        across a quality piece of shapewear, you   Chelsea Charles has a great way to change   keep your memories of these beloved
        know this rare discovery is a Godsend. That   that with their “Count Me Healthy Bracelet.”   events by preserving your flowers in a one-
        Godsend for us goes by the name Shapellx   This bracelet features the ability to   of-a-kind framed work of art.
        Shapewear. These pieces are both comfort-  count whatever you focus is that week, from   Pressed Floral is a service that allows you
        able and extremely flattering- a very hard-  glasses of water to fruits and veggies or   to send in your blooms for use in a pressed
        to-find combination.                pounds lost. All you have to do is move the   floral arrangement framed like a work of
           How many times have you found an   pendants from one side to the other to sig-  art. After your wedding day, you can take
        incredible dress for a night out or an outfit   nify the counting of pounds, fruit, or glasses   your bouquet or centerpiece and send it to
        for that big work meeting only to find that   of water. The fashion-forward design allows   Pressed Floral to have the flowers pressed
        when you put it on, you were less than   for this to be an important piece to you,   and set into a high-quality frame to have
        impressed due to lumps and an imperfect   but a stylish piece to others! This signature   your memories adorn your walls forever.
        silhouette?                         bracelet comes in Gold, Rose Gold, Silver, or   Beyond their custom pieces, Pressed
           With Shapellx, you can select the exact   Two-tone options.           Floral offers signature items that are sure to
        level of support you need from your shape-  These are the perfect gift for a friend   impress even the most finicky of loved ones.
        wear and go from there. Have a problem   or family member who has goals they   Pressed Floral’s incredible botanical candles
        area you wish you could fix? Shapellx allows   are working towards or the best self-care   are one of those pieces. These 100% natural
        you to search the area you want to control,   product to promise yourself a different   soy wax blended candles have a pressed
        from tummy to thighs to arms, and their   tomorrow. Beyond this incredible design,   flower that represents the scent of the can-
        website shows you the best pieces for those   Chelsea Charles carries a multitude of   dle. Add in one of their floral inspired jewel-
        issues. Ready to feel your best on the beach?  jewelry that expresses your unique interests   ry pieces and make your gift unforgettable.
        Shapellx also has a line of control-centered   and style. One of our other favorite items   Our recommendation? Their Birth Flower
        swimwear. If you don’t feel beach ready just   is their dainty sports necklaces. If there   Ring or Necklace. These items are hand
        yet, not to worry! Shapellx has you covered   is a softball or volleyball fanatic in your   made to commemorate the recipients birth
        with their activewear line that focuses on   home, these gorgeous necklaces will surely   flower. Each is made with gold and contains
        featuring your best assets while concealing   impress even the most discerning shoppers.   6-7 blooms. Not to mention, Birth Flowers
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