Page 53 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 53

How to Eat  for Your Hormones

                                    By Dr. Amy Lee, Head of Nutrition for Nucific

               ormonal imbalance in one’s    mal weight gain/ difficulty weight loss   Since I mentioned the potential
               life is oftentimes related to   and mood changes for men. These are   impact of the lean mass, also try not
       Hthe process of aging. The fact       only some of the common symptoms;    to consume things that are readily
        is, the body begins to deteriorate in   however, there may be more.       stored in fat. Make the body work
        its functionality at all levels, which   With the implementation of nutri-  for fuel. Eliminate foods with pro-
        means sex organs can start to make   tion and lifestyle change, think about   cessed / simple sugar and refined
        less of their sex hormones. Besides   the big picture. The most common    carbs. Minimize (if you cannot take
        the conventional therapy known as    change in the body is the loss of lean   out) things like fruit juices, sodas,
        hormonal replacement, which can be   mass when hormones are imbalanced.   white bread, pastries, crackers, etc, to
        synthetic and/or bioidentical, there are   As we grow older, there is a natural   prevent fat storage. Consume more
        other things that one can do and/or   loss of lean mass and a condition   “complex carbs” in the form of fruits
        implement in the lifestyle even before   called sarcopenia that can potentially   and vegetables.
        that. And what about those who are   take place. Sarcopenia is defined as    The last component I would like
        not interested in treating their hor-  the natural loss of lean mass from   to mention is vitamins and supple-
        monal imbalance with medication and   the process of aging. Lean body mass   ments. Having a good multivitamin
        want to take a more natural alternative   consists of muscle, organs, brain, bone,   on hand for your foundational health
        approach? In this article, I would like   and water weight. This component of   is always a good idea. A good multivi-
        to share with you what to think about   the body is responsible for our metab-  tamin contains not just the big groups
        when it comes to addressing the possi-  olism, how we burn calories, and our   of vitamins but also trace minerals.
        bility of hormonal imbalance and how   overall health. With ongoing changes   It also serves as a cofactor to many
        to use nutrition to possibly mitigate   in the hormones, the lean mass results   chemical pathways in the body, so
        one’s symptoms.                      in taking a hit.                     optimizing it can help keep the body
           Since we know that hormonal im-      So, one thing we should think     operating at 100%. Probiotics are also
        balance is a reflection of the body’s de-  about doing is consuming more   a great way to improve the digestive
        terioration due to the process of aging,   quality lean proteins found in both   process. Supplements such as Bio
        it is safe to say that one may feel the   animal and plant products so adequate   X4 feature five potent probiotics and
        symptoms of it which can be things   amounts of amino acids can be used to   three key digestive enzymes to make
        such as fatigue, abnormal weight gain/   maintain the lean mass. If cooking is   the digestive process easier.
        difficulty weight loss, low libido, mood   not your forte, consider protein meal
        change, hot flashes, vaginal dryness for   replacement which is readily available   For more information visit
        females and fatigue, low libido, abnor-  in our local grocery stores.

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