Page 54 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 54


                                             Often, we hear   Williams teaches    Williams gives   skills expert hired by
                                          stories of success; in   the importance of   the reader many   Fortune 500 compa-
                                          fact, we share them   resilience and how to   invaluable tools for   nies, you won’t just
                                          regularly in this pub-  overcome adversity.   success along the   be inspired by her
                                          lication. Rarely have   As all of us do, Wil-  way. From how to   story, but you will
                                          we heard a story as   liams faced many set-  develop a winning   also be educated by
                                          profound as that of   backs in her life, and   mindset to the   her decisions.
                                          Precious L. Williams.  she fell off her track to  power focus and   One of the best
                                          As recently as 2018,   success many times.   consistency play in   tips in the book is
                                          Williams was living   The idea that no   achieving your goal,   how important it is
                                          in a women’s center   matter how hard you   there are so many   to take advantage
                                          in New York City,   fall, you can get back   gems throughout   of any opportunity
                                          where she battled   up is a strong focus   this book that will   afforded to you.
                                          depression and     in Williams’ book. In   have you ready to   Many of us believe
                                          addiction. Today,   her words, “You can   take control of your   that those moments
                                          she is a 13-time   make every mistake   life and make the   of success are built
                                          national elevator   in the world. You can   changes you’ve been   on unattainable
                                          pitch champion who  fail a lot of times and   contemplating. Now  meetings or con-
                                          has been featured on  still wind up on top   the CEO of Perfect   nections, when in
                                          Shark Tank, CNN,   because persistence   Pitches by Precious,   actuality, Williams
                                          Wall Street Journal,   beats resistance.   Williams seizes   shows that every
        “The Pitch                        Forbes, Black Enter-  There is no way I   every opportunity   small encounter is
                                          prise, and Essence.
                                                                                                  a chance to share
                                                             should be where I am  to share her story
                                                                               and promote her
                                                             today”. With obvious
                                                                                                  your message, as you
                                          Her current clients
        Queen                             include Microsoft,   humility, Williams   business. The two   never know who will
                                                                                                  be listening!
                                                                               often go hand in
                                                             shares how she
                                          LinkedIn, Google,
                                          NBCUniversal, Fed-
                                                                               hand as she preaches
                                                                                                     To get a taste of
                                                             turned her flaws into
        Reigns                            eral Reserve Bank,   assets. She explains,   authenticity on every  what thousands of
                                                                                                  blessed audience
                                          Intuit QuickBooks,
                                                             “I want you to take
                                                                                  Williams states,
        Supreme”                          Yelp, and Harvard   the things that people   “My journey has   members get to
                                          University. Williams
                                                                                                  experience at her
                                                             say are your flaws
                                                                               been about showing
                                                                                                  speaking engage-
                                          has also become a
                                                             and make them your
                                          world-renowned     secret weapons. It’s   others how to give   ments, visit Perfect-
                                          professional speaker,  time for you to take   birth to their next   PitchesbyPrecious.
        By Jaime V. Habert                corporate trainer,   control of your life   beautiful now, right   com and get your
                                          and bestselling    and create the future   now.” After finishing  hands on an unfor-
                                          author.            you want”. Precious   this read, you will   gettable autobiog-
                                             In her most recent  explains that once   be jumping off the   raphy that will have
                                          book, The Pitch    you rework how you   couch and starting   you perfecting the
                                          Queen: A Woman’s   think about yourself,   to take steps toward   art of pitching your
                                          Journey from Poverty  you will change the   your brighter future.  business.
                                          to Purpose & Profits,   world around you.  As a communication

                                                                                      Photos Courtesy of Precious L. Williams
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