Page 36 - Pat Brown (1)
P. 36

Bitchin’ & Moaning                                         Tape Bubbles

                                                                  By Jennifer Foultz
       Crazy Days of Summer            By Judith A. Habert
                                                                  Tape bubbles were the way to go. When you have terribly
                                                                  entitled new neighbors that go around kicking other people’s
                                                                  things, one must resort to tape, specifically tape bubbles.
     In times gone by we all looked forward to the “lazy days of summer,” and many of
     us still do.  That is unless you are a driver in San Diego during the summer months.    A morning work-out at the Coronado pool, keeping my core
     Some things cannot be helped, like the influx of tourists who visit each year to revel   muscles tight while watching boats float by on the bay, is the
     in our beautiful city.  But the one thing that has come to be true is that the lazy days   most peaceful way to see that the rest of the day’s choices
     of summer have become the "crazy days of summer."  It all starts in June with the   will be guilt free - starting with  a huge mocha and spinach
     San Diego County Fair in Del Mar.  Do not even attempt to go anywhere near the   and egg omelet bagel. This work out and caffeine combo
     Via de la Valle exit on the 5 freeway - especially the first weekend or on July 4th   leaves me on a relaxed high and smiling, I deposited my
     closing day.  One year, having realized that the fair had almost passed us by, our   water shoes by my front door and entered my apartment.
     family decided to visit the fair on the 4th. A huge mistake… We spent 2 hours trying
     to get off at the exit, had to park in Peru and had to wait 35 minutes to get a shuttle   This feeling clung to me as I puttered through my to-do-list
                                                                  and was almost out the door again to do a little shopping
                                                                  when I looked down and stopped short. My shoes had
                                                                  been kicked over to rest right in front of my door. I looked at
                                                                  the spot that I had left them to see if they had blocked my
                                                                  neighbor’s door or entrance, but they hadn’t. Giving the newly
                                                                  arrived strangers the benefit of the doubt, I didn’t want to
                                                                  automatically assume that they were the type of people that
                                                                  are fine with going around and kicking decent, hard-working
                                                                  people’s things, I picked them up and moved them back.

                                                                  Upon returning home, through a handful of bags, I saw that
                                                                  while out and about my shoes had been beaten up a little
                                                                  more and were right back in front of my door. I moved them

 36                                                               As I headed out for the third time, on my way to see a friend,
                                                                  I was amazed to find the shoes had been further assaulted
                                                                  and shunned to the center of my doorway. All the way to the
                                                                  Balboa Park art studio I mentally wrote imaginary notes to
     to take us to the fair.  When you finally breathe a sigh of relief you hear the horns   my neighbors explaining the many issues being displayed
     sounding and see the hats going by, and you know it is time for opening day at Del   by their shoe-kicking obsession. Who kicks other people’s
     Mar Racetrack.  Once again all businesses in the surrounding vicinity become off   shoes? Especially, shoes that were innocently set aside and
     limits and you need to restructure your life around the race days and times.  That   in no way blocked their door. I played out scenarios where I
     leaves part of the Coast off limits - and then it gets even worse.  Comic-Con arrives   kicked their car and said, “When in Rome, do as the Ro-
     and the downtown area is infiltrated by Captain Americas, Avatars, Harry Potters,   mans.” I even tried to imagine laughing as I said this and the
     the Green Hornets, and Mr. Spocks.  Not the real ones of course, but the many   whole time just madly kicking away.
     devoted fans that travel from across the country to pay homage to their favorites
     at this star studded event.  The costumes are scary, but what is even scarier is the   Tape was a much better solution. My artistic, mischievous
     traffic.  In addition there are various downtown summer time events including the   friend listened to my frustration and suggested that I tape the
     LGBT Pride festival that took place at Balboa Park in mid July, which had its own   shoes down to their rightful spot next to my door. If nothing
     list of popular personalities in attendance. I must admit that this year the gas prices,   else, they would have to put more effort into the whole thing.
     which traditionally go up each summer in Southern California, have actually gone   On a high note, the force of their issues might have them fall-
     down this year.  But is this because the price of gas just couldn’t possibly get any   ing all over themselves when the water shoes didn’t move as
     higher?                                                      easily as the previous times.
     Being originally from the East Coast there is one thing I never quite understood:
     With the weather rather consistent year round here, why is it that no one in San   I decided on tape bubbles to add an element of surprise.
     Diego will do any “summer” type events once the summer is technically over? You   After rolling up packing tape and sticking eight tape bubbles
     go to the beach in July or August and you can’t find a parking spot.  Go to the same   on the bottom of each shoe, the shoes were then placed
     beach the first week of September and it is like a ghost town. So if the weather   carefully back in their spot. I must have checked on the status
     and conditions are good year round, why couldn’t some of these special events be   of those shoes five times throughout the evening, but found
     spread  throughout the year and make our life a little easier?    no satisfaction until the morning. I was rushing out to my
     Recent news reports told of the oncoming “Carmageddon,” in Los Angeles.  The   classroom when I noticed the tape bubbles spread around
     closing of the 405 horrified the LA area and everyone stayed locked up in their   the carpet between my door and the neighbor’s. The shoes
     homes to avoid being stuck in traffic.  It turned out to be nothing at all since hardly   were moved, but had only made it about half way to my door.
     anyone was on the road due to the warnings.  Perhaps the locals in San Diego   I laughed aloud all the way to my car. Tape bubbles.
     need to follow Los Angeles’ lead and stay home during these high traffic months.
     After all we have all year long to enjoy the great weather.
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