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Don't Go It

                             A Whole-istic Approach to a Woman’s World                           Alone

                                                                                              San Diego Woman
                                                                                                partners with
                                                                                               provide valuable
                                                                                            caregiver information

                                                                                           In addition to juggling a career,
                                                                                           family, finances and managing
                                                                                           a household, many women find
             Join          A Community Where Women are Loved                               themselves adding another
             online               & Empowered to Learn, Grow, Change...                    time-consuming task to their
                                                                                           seemingly endless list of
              today                                                                        responsibilities: taking care of
                       /LHS[O ‹ 9LSH[PVUZOPWZ ‹ :WPYP[\HS >LSSILPUN ‹ *HYLLY ‹ -PUHUJL ‹ *VTT\UP[` 3PML ‹  an elderly parent.
                           -HJL [V -HJL   6USPUL :VJPHS 4LKPH 5L[^VYRPUN ‹ 6WWVY[\UP[PLZ   6\[YLHJOLZ  The statistics are staggering:
                     ^^^ ,]LY`[OPUN >VTLU JVT ‹                                            More than 40 million people
                                                                                           are caring for an elderly loved
                                                                                           one; one out of every four
                                                                                         households has a caregiving situ-
                                                                             ation; and 66% of those caregivers are female.
                                                                             Recognizing a substantial portion of the maga-
                                                                             zine’s audience is in a caregiving role, San Diego
                                                                             Woman is partnering with the leading online
                                                                             resource for caregivers,, to pro-
                                                                             vide valuable information and resources to its
                             Incontinence.                                   audience – many of whom are shouldering the
                                                                             responsibility for the care of an elderly parent.
                                                                             San Diego Woman will dedicate a portion of
                  No need for silent suffering.                              its website to caregivers, with articles, news,
 44                                                                          caregiving tips and information provided by
                     Half of all women have some degree of uterine or bladder   Headquartered in Naples, Florida,
                  prolapse in the years following childbirth. For most women these is an online community that
                        conditions remain undiagnosed and untreated.         connects people caring for elderly parents to
                                                                             other caregivers, personalized information, and
                                                                             local resources. More than 200,000 caregivers
                                                                             visit the website each month to get personalized
                                                                             information on topics ranging from elder law and
                                                                             financial planning to elder health care and medi-
                                                                             cine, as well as gain access to a comprehensive
                                                                             directory of senior living and elder care services,
                                                       Sudabeh Moein, M.D. and  including assisted living, nursing homes, home
                                                    Scripps Mercy Hospital present:    care, and adult day care.
                                                    Incontinence and was born out of the realization
                                                 Pelvic Organ Prolapse       that there was no centralized resource for infor-
                                                                             mation on managing care for elderly parents. Ag-
                                                   Friday, August 12, 2011 got its start in 2007 after Publisher
                                                                             Joe Buckheit watched his mother and mother-in-
                                                         1:15 to 2:45 P.M.   law struggle with caring for their elderly parents.

                                                         a at OASIS in Macy’s  During a casual breakfast meeting to discuss
                                                       at Mission Valley Mall   their elderly loved one's needs, Joe witnessed
                                                                Cost $4      the power of two caregivers interacting directly
                                                                             with one another, sharing their challenges, and
                                                                             supporting one another. He formed AgingCare.
                                                                             com to provide a way for caregivers to form
                                                                             meaningful connections with each other, and
                                                                             relate to people who understand exactly what
                                                                             they are going through.
                                                     Call 1-800-SCRIPPS      “We are looking forward to sharing valuable
                                              (1-800-727-4777) to register   information with the readers of San Diego
                                                  and reserve your place.    Woman, enabling them to form meaningful con-
                                                                             nections with each other, make better decisions,
                                                                             save time and money, feel less alone and less
                                                                             stressed,” Joe says.
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