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Fabulous                                              Unique Accessories by Ms.Formaldehyde

         Finds                                                       If you are looking
                                                                     for something hand-
                                                                     made unique and
                                                                     fun, then Unique
                                                                     Accessories by Ms.
                                                                     Formaldehyde is
        Tonic                                                        just what you want.
        Environmentally-Friendly Hair and                            Kelly Formaldehyde
                                                                     can create any
        Skin Care Products                                           custom made ac-
                                                                     cessory you desire.
        It started from a basic need to                              She specializes
        correct a problem faced by surfers                           in everything Tiki,
        and outdoor lovers alike.  Sun                               Polynesian, Hawai-
        and saltwater can takes their toll                           ian, and day of the
        on hair.  Tonic hair care products                           dead.  She also
        were developed to help fix this                              does wedding flow-
        problem.  Specially formulated for                           ers for all types of
        those who love being outdoors,                               weddings.  She can
        but do not want to sacrifice a beautiful head of hair, Tonic’s products include Three-  be found on the popular internet handmade marketplace, Etsy.  Visit
        sometonic which is a 3-in-1 shampoo, conditioner and stimulating body wash.  It   her shop at or via email
        detangles, protects and leaves hair and skin sinfully clean;  Lustertonic which is   at  or by phone at 619 218-5472
        a leave-in conditioning mist and luxurious body moisturizer made with aloe vera,
        grapeseed oil and wheat protein for added volume and protection; and The Chronic-
        tonic which is a daily shampoo and conditioner regimen specifically formulated for
        normal and color treated hair.  You will not believe the way your hair will look and
        feel even after a day surfing at the beach. For more information and to order some
        incredible products visit their site at

       Girlease                                                         Drybar Is Now in Del Mar
       The Ultimate Bra Liner                   One of the newest innovations in hair salons just opened in Del Mar and it is taking the town by
                                                storm.  Co-founder Alli Web, who was trained by Toni & Guy and worked with legendary styl-
       It was the July 2006 wedding of her daughter   ist John Sahag in New York City admits that Drybar was created out of her own frustration with
       which caused Nannette Frank, a Rancho Bernardo   overpaying for blowouts at the salon.                          San Diego
       resident, to realize there was a need for a product                                                               Woman
       that did not exist.  “We had a rogue San Diego heat   Drybar, the premiere blow-dry bar that has captured the attention of thousands of women through-
       wave of 104°.  My ‘girls’ were sweating so terribly   out Southern California with a refreshingly simple concept: “No cuts. No Color. Just Blowouts, for
                                 that the sweat   only $35.”
                                  soaked through
                                  the front of   Drybar is known for its signature elements including chic décor, cozy tufted Italian seats, marble   47
                                  my dress.     bars, and flat screens with chick flicks on rotation—all underscored by a custom playlist of care-
                                  The only      fully-selected music. For those who want to stay connected while being pampered, each station
                                  solution was   is equipped with iPhone docks/chargers. While getting a blowout, guests relax at the bar while
                                  multiple trips   enjoying complementary coffee, tea, spa
                                  to the ladies   water, wine or champagne. Additionally,
                                  room to insert   a delicious menu of light bites and sweet
                                  stiff, scratchy   treats are also available.
                                  paper towels
                                  underneath    The Drybar menu of blowout styles
                                  the ‘girls.’  My   includes the Cosmopolitan (lots of loose
                                  vow that day   curls), the Straight Up (simple and
                                  was to invent a   straight), Southern Comfort (big hair with
                                  solution to this   volume), Mai Tai (messy and beachy),
       problem.”  And invent she did, after  much research   Manhattan (sleek and smooth) and, of
                                                course, the Shirley Temple (for ages 10
       and time spent speaking with women, doctors and   and under, just $24).
       nurses she learned that in addition to breast sweat,
       women also suffered from heat rash, yeast infec-  Hailed by Entrepreneur Magazine as one
       tion, and Intertrigo.  The Girlease Ultimate Bra Liner   of the 100 best new ideas of 2010, Dry-
       solves these problems, because ‘she’ prevents   bar has taken women across the country
       skin-on-skin contact, keeping the ‘girls’ cool, dry, and   by storm.  Visit Drybar, located inside
       comfortable.   The Girlease Bra Liners are made   Del Mar Highlands Center at 12857
       from disposable non woven material, which is thin,   El Camino Real. For more information
       soft, absorbent, 100% natural, comfortable, and   please visit
       made in the USA. For more information and to order
       Girlease Ultimate Bra Liners go to her site at http://
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