Page 38 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 38

Fabulous Finds                                                                              by Jaime V. Habert




        are the perfect answer for a new mom   8.  Hands-Free Slip-ins by Skechers  never have thought to ask and will give
        to honor her newborn. To shop all of the   If you are like me, you are always on the go.   you the ability to learn more about your
        incredible pieces and options at Pressed   When you are constantly moving, your feet   loved ones.
        Floral, visit  must be comfortable, and there is only one   If you enjoy reading, Table Topics has a
                                            brand that has stood the test of time in that   way to engage your book club members
        7.  HEROBOARD Fitness               regard… Skechers. Well, now the popular   like never before. With their “Book Club”
           Ever since the event, which may not be   brand has released a new design that has   themed set, you will become interested in
        named, we have been obsessed with home   become the staple of our office- Hands-Free   the depth of your novel through character
        fitness. Our home is filled with equipment   Slip-ins by Skechers.       development questions, scenarios, and plot
        from a thigh master to a treadmill, but our   These cozy slip-ins make taking your   analysis questions.
        most prized possession is our HEROBOARD.   shoes on and off a breeze and feature an in-  If you want to become closer to your
        If this name doesn’t ring a bell, listen up!   credibly luxurious heel cushion that makes   children, Table Topics offers family sets like
        HEROBOARD is the smoothest, strongest,   those 8-hour shifts fly by! The signature air-  “Kids Conversations,” which offers a unique
        and most stable moving exercise platform   cooled memory foam sole alone will make   perspective to the questions which appeal
        on the market. Designed for both beginners   you park at the end of the lot to collect   to kids. Framing questions from their
        and advanced athletes, the HEROBOARD   those extra steps on the pedometer. Not to   perspective will provide you with honest
        allows for a variety of exercises targeting   mention, their fashion-forward styles and   and thoughtful answers to provide insight
        every part of the body, from legs to the core.  knit and jersey materials create a breathable   into their little lives! This set also fosters
        Able to be used on almost every surface,   atmosphere, while the Stretch-Fit design   Gratitude as it gives kids the opportunity
        the HEROBOARD can go from inside the   creates a sock-like comfort. If you are wor-  to speak about the things they value most,
        home to out at a park without issue. This   ried about where the materials come from,   like friends, family, pets, and places. Many
        moving platform will allow you to hit even   you can rest assured that their new Slip-In   questions also provide positivity and joy to
        the most stubborn of muscle groups. Each   is crafted with 100% vegan materials. If you   the conversation, such as, “What would be
        HEROBOARD comes with a drawstring   are looking for your new go-to shoe that   the best sound for an alarm clock?” and “If
        bag for portability, a poster with QR codes   you can take from the office to the play-  you could plant a big garden, what would
        linking to helpful instructional videos, and   ground, visit   you grow in it?”.
        a custom-shaped foam exercise pad that   and choose which color you’ll be adding to   Table Topics is a great icebreaker at
        attaches to your board. Every week you   your cart!                      family gatherings. Table Topics is the
        will find new and creative workout videos                                perfect addition to family visits. Often,
        online which show you how to get the most   9.  Table Topics             we are haunted by awkward silence with
        out of your HEROBOARD. The HEROBOARD   Ready to spice up your conversations with   our estranged family members or friends
        has a low center of gravity to ensure sta-  family and friends? Table Topics is a great   we haven’t seen in a while, but with Table
        bility and large, quality wheels for smooth   tool for transforming a boring night into an   Topics, you can jump right into fantastic
        movement. All these qualities place the   evening of thoughtful conversation.   conversation points that make everyone
        HEROBOARD in a fitness equipment class of   Table Topics are fun conversation   involved feel at ease. The “Family Gather-
        its own. To learn more about HEROBOARD,   starters for any and every occasion. Each   ing” set creates a sense of togetherness
        visit  themed set is full of questions you would   and offers a time to reflect on timeless
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